Machine Learning – intalio Complete Content Services Platform For Information Governance Sat, 19 Jun 2021 23:08:53 +0000 en hourly 1 7 things about Ethics in Artificial Intelligence you may not have thought about Tue, 29 Sep 2020 11:48:25 +0000 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a modern shape of technology where computers can mimic, perform several errands, and even think like human beings. In other terms, it is building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. There are many forms of Artificial Intelligence like machine learning for instance, where instead of being…

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a modern shape of technology where computers can mimic, perform several errands, and even think like human beings. In other terms, it is building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. There are many forms of Artificial Intelligence like machine learning for instance, where instead of being programmed what to think, machines can observe, analyze and learn from data and mistakes just like our human brains can. However, improvements in machine and deep learning are creating a paradigm shift in virtually every sector of the tech industry.

AI improves intelligence, adapts through progressive learning algorithms, and analyzes more yet deeper data. It also attains farfetched accuracy and gets the most out of a business’ data. And just like all workflows, intelligent systems require the principle of designing them artificially using codes of conduct that we may call “roboethics” or robot ethics.

Thus, what are the set of Ethics that impose themselves as a must to be esteemed when opting for AI?

Keys for responsible implementation of AI systems

AI has massive potential to be weaponized in numerous ways which threaten public safety, security, and quality of life. Privacy and Surveillance are generally deliberated in Artificial Intelligence or Information Technology, which mainly cover access to private data that is identifiable. Such systems leave human intellect far behind. It could potentially undergo recursive self-improvement. By inventing revolutionary new technologies, such super intelligent systems could trigger eradicate war, disease, and poverty. Thus, maintaining high standards in ethical practices while working with data used in AI and machine learning is highly critical.

The following are the questions that might have a broad impact on a company’s brand and reputation, as well as on the lives of customers, employees, and other stakeholders.

Top seven ethical considerations in AI

  1. Bias

Some AI systems impacted real business implications and became progressively inherent in facial and voice recognition systems. These systems are susceptible to biases and errors introduced by its human makers. Many biases can occur because of the data used to train the AI systems; for instance, the facial recognition algorithms showcased biases when detecting people’s gender. In other terms due to the nature and availability of data sets, these AI systems might be able to detect the gender of white men more accurately than the gender of darker skin men.

  1. Liability

One of the major practical difficulties in AI is a liability. Digital systems are often missing deep-rooted legal protection of rights such as consumer rights, product liability, and other civil liability or protection of intellectual property rights. In other terms, businesses tend to test their digital products on customers without any fear of liability while severely defending their intellectual property rights.

  1. Security

Besides good, AI tends to be used sometimes in immoral contexts as powerful as it gets. These systems might be able to cause a lot of damage if used maliciously. Thus, cybersecurity will become mandatory. Data protection has come a long way over the years, and the careful utilization of data in AI implementations must be considered to prevent data theft by detecting, block and securing unauthorized data access while performing extensive behavioral analysis.

  1. Human Interaction

It is the start of an age where we will often interact with machines as if they are humans. Artificial bots can channel virtually unlimited resources into building relationships, while, in return, humans are limited in the attention and kindness that they can disburse on another person. However, till what extent should AI affect Human Relationships?

  1. Job Displacement

It is clear now that Artificial Intelligence can substitute human intervention. Thus, labor is concerned mostly with automation. As many forms were invented to automate jobs, we could create room for people to adopt more multifaceted roles. Accordingly, we would be moving from physical work to cognitive labor that characterizes both strategic and administrative work in our globalized society in order to boost human work.

  1. Wealth Inequality

Our economic systems are based on compensation, and most enterprises are still dependent on hourly work. However, by using AI, an employer would drastically cut down on relying on the human workforce, and by this, revenues will no longer go to people. Subsequently, AI driven company leaders will be greatly reducing costs.

  1. Power and Control

Power and Control go beyond data accumulation and direction of attention. Power and Control include the use of information to manipulate behaviors, be it online or offline. Of course, wills to manipulate behaviors are ancient, but they may attain a new level when AI systems are in place.

AI an enabler of Business Continuity with considerations

All these ethical questions might be challenging and may turn AI practices into a flimsy process to deal with. However, it is specious to deny the importance of Artificial Intelligence especially in a time where technology became increasingly an enabler of business continuity.

AI broad analytical tasks create new opportunities in several business sectors and consumer applications. AI partakes numerous yet tangible use cases today that enable corporate revenue growth and cost savings in prevailing sectors. Systems in AI dedicate time to collecting and synthesizing data when it comes to financial services, retail and trade, healthcare, and manufacturing.

AI is substantial since it efficaciously tackles a cavernous set of technical challenges. Although human competences like understanding, reasoning, planning, communicating, and perception, all can be undertaken by software, yet AI leaves more space for employees to complete more complicated tasks. Machines open for new horizons in job employment and give the opportunity for different jobs that require human intervention, to see the light. Moreover, confidentiality or data protection make their way to the heart of AI, whereby, the most important asset in any business relies on its information or what we might refer to as personal data. Thus, choosing deliberately the right smart system for your business is a delicate process.

At Intalio, all our digital transformation products are completed with our AI suite adapted for various business sectors while carefully handling customer data with complete confidentiality.

Interested in knowing more about our AI offering?

Get in touch and let our professional team of tech-gurus help you craft the adequate tailor-made AI solution for your business.


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Digital Leaders | Where to Invest in a Post Pandemic Fri, 28 Aug 2020 09:40:42 +0000 We are at a critical age in the business world. Technology is reinventing how we do business, disrupting tasks, changing forms of communication and optimizing results. Investments in powerful technologies are skyrocketing and companies are competing over good technology. The COVID19 pandemic hit businesses in the core and organizations that had little investments in technology…

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We are at a critical age in the business world. Technology is reinventing how we do business, disrupting tasks, changing forms of communication and optimizing results. Investments in powerful technologies are skyrocketing and companies are competing over good technology. The COVID19 pandemic hit businesses in the core and organizations that had little investments in technology were the most harmed due to their unpreparedness for such crisis. The question lies, for digital leaders, where to invest now? What technologies to equip your organizations with to help you cope with crisis?


Why Tech Investments Matter?

The corona virus outbreak had a huge influence on business which made organizations reconsider their investments. What was the factor that ensured business continuity? Yes, it was and still is technology. As a matter of fact, businesses who had poor technology infrastructure suffered significantly in the unexpected lockdown that paralyzed some businesses. It is of vital importance for all types of businesses to have a clear digital investment strategy for Covid-19 has changed the way we live, work and interact.

Where to Invest Next? 

It is very necessary for businesses to clearly identify the areas they need to invest in after this global pandemic as it shaped the whole workflow. The decisions taken now by companies will elevate their capability to adapt to the new normal and most importantly easily go through future crisis. Technological capabilities are what ensure business continuity against all odds.

So where should companies invest next?

  • Cloud Computing:

Cloud computing is a revolutionary technology defined as “the on-demand delivery of IT resources such as compute, databases, and storage via the Internet”. This means you do not need physical data centers or servers which boosts IT capabilities and helps build a secure infrastructure for remote work. Moreover, cloud computing can help your business reduce cost, ensure security, and wider scale.

  • AI and Machine Learning :

This is a huge field for businesses to invest in especially in a post-pandemic as the need for smart machines is hire on demand. AI and machine can help businesses in a variety of ways through driving customer engagement with chatbots, improving business decisions through analytics and predictive analysis. AI and machine learning are providing in depth data analytics to choose their next product line, invest in new markets and target new customers.

  • Automation:

Automation is a powerful tool that increases business agility and adaptation, decrease unnecessary costs, improve precision and deliver customer/employee satisfaction. It gives companies the ability to get rid of redundant tasks and give employees more space for innovation and creativity. Moreover, it had played a key role in companies’ adaptation to the pandemic by facilitating internal affairs.

  • Low-Code Technology:

Low code powered technology facilitate business processes and build applications with minimal to no coding. Today, all types of employees can create business applications with low-code due to its simplicity. The benefits of such technology are speed and agility where you can drag and drop features that would help you solve a business problem. It allows companies to respond to abrupt business changes by quickly developing digital initiatives that would help satisfy the business need. Moreover, low-code is cost-efficient due to its minimal need for coding which gives business solutions at very low costs. Employees can create and deploy complex and intelligent systems with trainable AI that would help gather content of all types in a fast and cost-efficient manner.


Intalio your Forever Partner in the Process.

Why Intalio?

Intalio has been a leading provider of Digital Transformation Solutions for 30 years with countless innovations in Content Services, Process Services, and Data Governance.

How Can Intalio Help you?

At Intalio we believe in the power of technology to transform any business and we strive to provide our customers with world-class technology to help solve their business problems, ensure business continuity at all odds and help them elevate their capabilities for the long term. We provide the best AI and machine learning, automation and low code technologies that will help will drive a valuable return on your investment.


The world after Covid-19 will never be the same, we see through the future and acknowledge what is needed!

Do not fall back and stay ahead in your game! Reach out to our tech leaders.




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Insight Engine | The Next Big Investment Tue, 25 Aug 2020 12:06:18 +0000 The post Insight Engine | The Next Big Investment appeared first on intalio.


Businesses are overwhelmed with data, but are striving for insights. Today, there is a huge rise in insight engine which helps discover and analyze data, while combining AI and machine learning capabilities to drive digital initiatives. These capabilities make it a world class technology as it helps it evolve and continue to enhance its capabilities with machine learning and deep learning. This drastic rise in the technology poses an interesting question is insight engine the new generation of digital asset management?

What is Digital Asset Management?

Digital asset management helps organizations intelligently manage, store, organize, find and analyze its information and content. It strategically helps organizations by eliminating human error through a system that makes sure to store content effectively, it boosts efficiency and productivity since it reduces repetitive tasks. Moreover, digital asset management systems help companies maintain brand and marketing messages through its management of the organizations digital assets which are critical to its marketing and advertising activities.

Is Digital Asset Management Dead?

As everything continues to evolve, including digital media, businesses face a challenge in the continuous growing number of digital assets stored in their multiple formats, from multiple channels, media files, product lines and so on. Applying useful metadata to images becomes a daunting task as it’s done manually costing the organization a lot of time and money. This can easily overwhelm any organization and possibly cause it to fall back.

Consequently, DAM solutions need to be updated to meet consumer needs by embedding new technology that facilitates the overall process of digital assets management.

Insight Engine a New Generation of DAM?

Insight engines boosts companies’ growth by delivering ultimate value through customer tailored personalization. Powered by Big data, Artificial Intelligence and machine learning technology insight engines act as strategic business resource that helps organizations create unique digital experiences to its customers. This embedment of such technology makes Insight Engines the new big thing and the next generation of DAM as it presents essential personalized experiences that seamlessly outperform traditional digital asset management systems.

How Insight Engine Works

Insight engines helps companies organize, discover and analyze data. It works to provide analysts with insights about customers and their activity, behavior and interests. Moreover, helps analyze customer and employee relationship powered by most in-depth technology of Artificial intelligence, big data and machine learning. This gives companies the power to present personalized and unique content to customers, produce personalized product lines to satisfy unique audiences. What makes insight engines valuable is their ability to process unstructured data such as social media information, images, videos, audio files and turn them into valuable personalized content.

Technology evolves very fast and companies need to keep pace in order to flourish. Today, there is a huge rise in insight engine technology which clearly in its embedded AI technology offers a unique customer experience.

Insight Engine Applications outside of the Digital Assets Management Space:

Outside the world of DAM, insight engines help create valuable customer experiences. Today, companies are struggling to provide customers with a valuable experience and those who support customers are companies that are winning in sales and huge brand recognition. Insight engine helps business boost their relationship with customers through intelligent relationship building. It uses high quality technology such as natural language processing NLP and natural language question answering NLQA  to give customers a sense of comfortable human interaction that actually deliver satisfactory results. Moreover, not only do insight engines manage data, they can produce with the help of machine learning and deep learning business prediction and scenario developments to solve multiple business issues.

Want to stay ahead of your game with the most powerful technology?

Get in touch with us!


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What is the Right Intelligent Automation Technology for You Tue, 12 May 2020 11:44:51 +0000 Intelligent Automation – What is it? Put it in simple terms, Intelligent Automation is when you take a machine teach it simple and repetitive tasks until it adapts and change its performance under given conditions. In the business world however, intelligent Automation has a way bigger meaning that that, intelligent automation is the combined all-in-all…

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Intelligent Automation – What is it?

Put it in simple terms, Intelligent Automation is when you take a machine teach it simple and repetitive tasks until it adapts and change its performance under given conditions.
In the business world however, intelligent Automation has a way bigger meaning that that, intelligent automation is the combined all-in-all solution for the holistic implementation of digital transformation. It does this through extending its advanced tools and techniques through the entire automation journey. Intelligent automation is the only way any organization can discover, automate and optimize – any business process creating a harmony between works across human-bot teams.

Intelligent Automation, Three Main Pillars –

Intelligent Automation transforms the mechanism of any process using its advanced tools which are also known as the “Main Pillars”; Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotic Process Automation (RPA), and Business Process Automation or Orchestration (BPA).

The Three Pillars Explained –

1. Business Process Automation:

Many businesses are failing to invest their efforts and money into the right solution to streamline their business processes. Reasons are many but it’s mostly the lack of awareness. BPM is when an organization decides to automate the processes that make up the core of a business.

Each process is given an individual assessment on its current conditions, what can be improved and how to improve it.

2. Robotic Process Automation:

In order to execute the automation of the business process in a coherent manner, the actions of the digital systems need to be integrated and matched with the actions of a human performing multiple actions under any business operation (mimicking human action).

RPA is this technology which permits anyone to configure that solution which facilitated the integration and matching process.

3. Artificial Intelligence:

AI is stimulation of Human Intelligence by machines. Without this stimulation no machine can comprehend a business process to automate it. AI embedded systems are capable of learning and reasoning like any human being.

Intelligent behavior for intelligent automation. Artificial intelligence might just be the cherry on top!

How do they complement each other?
The combination of these three main branches of technology is why intelligent automation was born. When the above advanced technologies are combined they assist each other in collectively empowering rapid end-to-end intelligent process orchestration and accelerating digital transformation.
In organizations, intelligent automation is implemented to connect all systems used throughout the organization to centralize information generated by the organization in a streamlined interface for enhancing employee productivity and creating an improved customer experience while saving time and money.

What is the future holding for Intelligent Automation –

With AI, RPA and BPM becoming part of everyday reality, intelligent automation is predicted to become more flexible with more organizations intelligently automating their business procedures to join the digital transformation movement. These technologies are able to adapt themselves to the business and focus on solving the specific business needs.
With more and more awareness, organizations will begin to realize the positive impact technology has been having. They will begin clearly see the differences especially with our current reality. With pioneers in technology wanting to explore further into the changes and develop specific solutions that no one can copy, the future may not be so clearly predictable. But intelligent automation will continue to rise.

There is no doubt the with the current COVID-19 situation affecting the way business do things, it will also play a huge role in accelerating intelligent automation.

Take it As an Opportunity –

After establishing that not all automation solutions are the same, some of our experts in the field are ready to help your organization take the right jump into intelligent automation. The automation process with Intalio is simplified taking into consideration the following points.

1) Internal Assessment – A vital starting point to carefully assess what the organization in lacking in its business processes. How much information is your organization producing? What it needs from this information? Who are the users?

2) Setting the Automation Objective – Based on what the organization is lacking and what it wishes to achieve through process automation. Then accordingly, the automation objectives are identified with the best way to achieve them.

3) Input involved –

An intelligent automation process usually involves a combination of tools and technologies, cordially, an assessment is done combining the insights of stakeholders who understand your business (exp: Administration, Procurement, IT personnel etc.…)

4) Regulatory Compliance –

Meeting with regulatory compliance is critical for any organizations success. At Intalio we make sure before automating that all the tools will allow the organization to comply with regulations internationally and locally.

After our experts carefully assess the above points, they will be able to deploy the correct intelligent automation solution for your organization to ensure project success. Focusing on mimicking the contribution of employees within any given business process.

Expand Your Automation and Leverage Your Business Today with our Latest Technologies…
Get in touch! with our Experts!

The post What is the Right Intelligent Automation Technology for You appeared first on intalio.
