digital technology – intalio Complete Content Services Platform For Information Governance Tue, 28 Sep 2021 09:51:05 +0000 en hourly 1 How Data Scientists Have Become the Backbone of Corporations Wed, 18 Nov 2020 09:01:15 +0000 The post How Data Scientists Have Become the Backbone of Corporations appeared first on intalio.


There was a time when scientists were the backbone of every advancement that has impacted our world. Pioneers like Marie Curie, Newton, Einstein, Galileo, Edison, and many more, have shaped our knowledge and changed the way the world functions today by answering to the needs of society, and ultimately, the world.

Similarly, today and with the emergence of big data, we find the traffic of unstructured information overwhelming companies and increasing workloads. Just like scientists were the unsung heroes of yesterday, Data Scientists have become the unsung heroes of today as they translate data into key business success factors.

What is Data Science and why is Data Science so important?

First of all, we need to make it clear that data science is NOT computer science or computer engineering. While computer science is in charge of computation and applications, data science is in charge of data throughout its lifecycle – from storage to archiving – especially when it comes to insight and predictions.

Mainly, data scientists are in charge of analyzing, managing, and using data in useful ways that can become business solutions for companies.

You may be thinking that companies can simply hire statisticians to do so like they previously did. However, with the development of computing processes, cloud storage, and analytical tools, the world of statistics merged with computer science brought data science to life.

Data scientists need more than just math and statistics to be effective; a data scientist also needs knowledge of supply chain, finance, logistics, human resources, and so on. The more knowledge the data scientist may have, the more they are worth the investment a company is willing to make to hire them.

These modern-day wizards use algorithms, patterns, visualization tools, and machine learning to optimizing workflows and predict trends.

Not only do they make sense out of data, but they also study user behavior and habits through data gatherings such as the world wide web or software search history.

Why are Data Scientists the common-day heroes of companies?

Data Scientists have become an indispensable asset for companies as they are a key part of business success. While software maintains data, data scientists figure out how to utilize it to push businesses and markets forward.

If data is contained and maintained without it being utilized for actionable insight, every piece of datum that we have is rendered valueless.

Think of all the companies that made an incredible profit during the Covid-19 pandemic. They were able to be on top of their game because they were able to properly manage their information and assets, predict trends, personalize their customer experiences, and recreate effective teams while working remotely; all of which are tasks aided by data scientists.

Top 6 ways Data Scientists use their superpowers.

Risk and Fraud

Data Scientists may detect risk and fraud by being trained to investigate data that doesn’t seem to fit trends or patterns. Once detected, they can create alerts and respond effectively and efficiently saving companies millions in return.

Market Trends

Data Scientists may very well help product businesses identify when and how their items are best sold, helping marketing teams and sales with their predictions, strategies, and overall sales.

Personalized Customer Service

Data Scientists are also the people behind personalizing experiences for customers by providing other departments an understanding concerning their customers or audiences – depending on the industry – and helping them work on meeting customer needs.

Decision Making

These insights and predictions tremendously help upper-management in making significant decisions with lower risks across the company by measuring, tracking, and managing performance metrics.

Targeting Customers

Data scientists are also able to identify key groups by matching them with trends and data at hand, allowing organizations to tailor their services to potential customer groups.

Human Resources

Just like they collaborate with sales, marketing, and upper-management teams, data scientists may also work with human resources departments to identify potential employees that would fit companies like a glove using metadata on CVs as well as metrics from employment websites such as LinkedIn. It is also important to note that they may also take charge and analyze aptitude tests and games within the hiring process

Tools as the Backbone of Data Scientists

At this point, you should probably be convinced of why any company may need data scientists, even more so, why these modern wizards have become the backbone of any company’s success. But just like wizards need a wand, heroes need a cape, and scientists need their tools, data scientists are also rendered helpless without their data processing tools that allow them to collect, maintain, visualize, integrate, and manage data to begin with. Intalio offers tools for data integration, data processing, and data insight to help companies provide the right tools for data scientists by having control over information and be able to leverage workflow automation throughout the entire data lifecycle.

Find out more about intalio’s data governance tools.

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Records Management : A necessity for Data Privacy Wed, 11 Nov 2020 07:04:58 +0000 The post Records Management : A necessity for Data Privacy appeared first on intalio.


As soon as the COVID-19 pandemic started emerging, countries closed down and forced their citizens into confinement. Businesses were involuntarily made to leave their offices and switch to online remote operations immediately, without a transitional period. Before then, the vast majority of companies never had to set data privacy policies or data privacy best practices for online collaborations, nor for the transaction of critical information, such as personal data of customers or beneficiaries, thus, risking the breach of privacy.

Data Privacy is a part of data security that is concerned with how companies handle data, from its collection to its storage, and sharing. However, Data Privacy is regulated worldwide by privacy laws and regulations, such as the EU data protection rules and the US data privacy laws, allowing data subjects to have control over their information and records. Failure to follow these regulations or failure with compliance with the data privacy laws, can cost companies millions in lawsuits. Data Privacy laws in healthcare and financial institutions date back to over 23 years, while the education sector has regulations dating back to 1974.

With almost all an individual’s data residing online now, it is only natural for people to have growing concerns about their private information and how to protect it, which lead to the emergence of Content Services and Solutions such as Records Management, Documents Management, Digital Assets Management and so on.

A deeper dive into Data Privacy

Though some institutions believe that all they have to do in order to comply with Data Privacy regulations is not to share their clients’ information online, there are many challenges beyond the surface that come into play.

Human Error

Human error is the biggest challenge in Data Privacy as using weak passwords, deleting data by mistake, misplacing a personal laptop in a public place, falling for scams and so, may jeopardize the privacy and security of any company’s sensitive data and information. Companies should invest in both data security and privacy training and software solutions that forbid data loss or leakage.

The Cost of Data Breaches

Data breaches or the risk of exposing private information can also cost companies millions of dollars due to regulatory penalties and potential lawsuits. Therefore, it is known to be wiser for a company to invest in key security software solutions that allow proper handling and management of information and vital records.

The Exponential Growth of Data

With megabytes and megabytes of information being created every second, companies must try to keep up with securing and protecting sensitive and personal information such as Personal Identifiable Information (PII), especially with millions of data records being pirated and breached every year. This ongoing and growing traffic of information has made it very challenging for companies to handle and protect so many records and information.

Open System Vulnerabilities

Rapid development in technology and software development means a rapid growth in vulnerabilities. This automatically means an increase of data breaches as well, making it very difficult yet challenging for security administrators to manage without the help of software solutions dedicated to covering security patches.

Not only do companies need to worry about these challenges, but they also need to worry about Data Privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which allows individuals rights to protect their personal data through policies pertaining to the “Right to access personal information”, “right to data portability”, “right to rectification”, and “right to be forgotten”.

These rights, in a nutshell, allow an individual to reach a company holding their personal data, and ask to know about all of their data that the company has, ask for a copy to leave with, ask to adjust wrong information, and finally, have the right to ask the company to delete all their information. Failing to do so on behalf of the organization holding the information, even if by forgetting the tiniest bit of information, may cost the organization millions of dollars for non-compliance.

Records Management Solutions, a Data Privacy Shield

Now, more than ever, with the exponential creation of data and information, and with the increased importance and strictness of regulatory laws, organizations need to have effective records management systems in place.

What is Records Management?

We all know that Records Management or Record Information Management (RIM), is the process that starts with the creation of data up until archival. It ensures the proper maintenance and protection of vital information such as financial and legal documents to name a few. It makes sure that valuable data is classified and preserved, and that data of no value gets discarded according to specific guidelines, in order for the organization to have proper regulatory compliance.

Records Management Features:

Back when everything was done by hand and records were lost or misplaced, companies knew there needed to be a more efficient way of handling data, making way for the digitalization of records. Today, Records Management solutions can help maintain and protect Data Privacy by granting access and authority to specific entities. This also helps organizations reduce the risk of ill-handling of information by untrained employees. It is as well done by an important feature, which is the encryption of documents through PKI and only allowing specific users to decrypt.

Furthermore, these solutions allow secure control and retention, making data removal an easier process, especially in cases where individuals use their “right to be forgotten”. Not only do these solutions offer centralized search results that leave no data unread, but they also identify, reduce, and resolve security and privacy risks.

Top 5 benefits of Records Management

Though the benefits of Records Management are countless and we have already seen many, however, the benefits of such solutions encompass Data Privacy. Here are the top 5 benefits of Record Management systems:

Here are the top 5 benefits of Records Management Systems:

  • Effective management of records: from collection to archiving, following specific policies that allow a very small margin of error, in order to organize the exponential growth of data within an institution.
  • Reduced redundancy of documents and information: facing the risk of repetition and duplication of data, the system can either inform specific users or automatically follow guidelines on how to process information redundancy.
  • Reduced cost of storage: moving from the cost of paper documents stored in costly storage units with the use of supplies to centralized digital easy-to-use platforms securing all the information belonging to a business or organization.
  • Elimination of unnecessary files: by properly and safely getting rid of invaluable, outdated, or duplicated files.
  • Accountability and timely access: by tracking authority and accountability of use of information on the platform, as well as real-time access and tracking of records and information.


Records Management can help companies in every stage of the data lifecycle, as well as protect and respect Data Privacy rights. Intalio offers Records Management Software with the ability to assign specific identifiers and ensure record authenticity. This solution allows organizations to comply with both internal and external regulations, limiting risks, and breaches.

Beyond the standard features, with Intalio’s Records Management Solution, companies can apply customized procedures to achieve regulatory compliance, as well as define retention schedules with a choice between automatic or manual transitions.

It can also send alerts to stakeholders prompting them to take immediate action, with a pre-configured process that does not allow deletion prior to a required confirmation. And finally, with Intalio’s Record Management solutions, users may generate audit trails and reports which include used media, duplications in other destinations, and event logs.

To learn more about features offered by Intalio’s Record Management Solution, and how it can help you protect your institution’s data privacy, visit our website.

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Between technology and workflow: Where does today’s workforce stand? Mon, 26 Oct 2020 14:52:12 +0000 Technological transformation has repeatedly reshaped the workplace over the past decade. The haste with which AI is developing today and the scale at which it could disrupt the world of work is without precedent. Introducing technological changes in an organization offers a different set of challenges to enterprises. Since new technologies have a massive impact…

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Technological transformation has repeatedly reshaped the workplace over the past decade. The haste with which AI is developing today and the scale at which it could disrupt the world of work is without precedent. Introducing technological changes in an organization offers a different set of challenges to enterprises. Since new technologies have a massive impact on the way people work, improvements in Artificial Intelligence are creating new and unique needs for a workforce that is wanting to be increasingly more intelligent and aware. Managers and professionals must nowadays remain current with the latest technological tools for managing their businesses. It is an increasingly important part of their role. Thus, they should be on the lookout for new capabilities that will enable their businesses to serve both their workforce and customers more effectively. Novel technologies can advance or improve internal efficiencies as well as reduce costs.


Technological improvements, an evolving work environment, and new employee preferences are, together, building a variety of expectations within the ever-changing workforce. Today, employees are increasingly asking for consumer-like technology experiences in their offices with greater flexibility concerning where and how they work.

Additionally, a new generation of tech-native employees is taking part in the rejuvenated workforce, expecting to work the way they want, when they want, using the technology they choose. These numerous expectations and attitudes are developing an increasingly complex work environment as enterprises today must find balance in these demands while crossing the challenges of operational requirements, budget pressure, and customer expectations.

A more receptive attitude is necessary towards young people entering the workforce, as this creates an opportunity to reconsider current practices and refresh an enterprise’s technological strategy to drive greater tech-innovation. Enterprises must also find the right digital tools that boost productivity while weeding out redundant tools introduced into the business.

The demand for remote working shaped the paradigm of work outside the office environment. Considering these workplace dynamics, enterprises are shifting to a formal cloud strategy implemented across all or parts of their business. Cloud computing gives employees access to applications and systems that are hosted in a centralized data center regardless of where they work. With having a centralized data center in place, the workforce can gain access from any internet-enabled device. Thus, cloud computing would develop into a key enabler of mobility as remote working arrangements are characterizing the new workforce.


Digitizing your enterprise’s workflow is one click away! At Intalio, we recognize the importance of automating internal procedures optimizing productivity and workflow for organizations in both the private and public sectors. Intalio offers a wide-ranging variety of digital products that allow enterprises to streamline theirs internal workflow while enhancing its incoming and outgoing communication.

With the proper set of tools, you will now be capable of improving your organization’s process management by relying on digital solutions responding to the growing demands of the new workforce.

There are various tools that Intalio proposes, as it can ensure process digitization through solutions like Digital Signature, Digital Mailroom, Correspondence Management, and Case Management. Implementing such software will help organizations leverage automation within different departments.

AI solutions will increase the productivity and predictability of an organization’s workforce and improve the consistency and quality of its deliverables. On another note, these processes will reduce human labor costs, effort, and task duration, all by improving communication and collaboration between employees.


The workforce of any company is a key enabler of its continuity as it is the core engine of any business. Technology, globalization, demographics, social values, and the changing personal expectations of employees, has reshaped the workforce as we know it. Organizations must work to support this dynamic fireball that is able to constantly reskill and upskill. Thus, there is a need to develop a robust digital infrastructure that broadens the base of skills and abilities of employees and to revisit workflow systems that meet the increasing demands of today’s workforce.

Get in touch with our experts to provide you with the needed support for a successful digitalization![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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No Data Left Behind: The Era of Intelligent Search Tue, 20 Oct 2020 09:56:57 +0000 The post No Data Left Behind: The Era of Intelligent Search appeared first on intalio.


Imagine this: The year is 2005. Your superior calls you; they want a full report on a supplier working with your company. So you start searching in every file you have access to on your computer. You find quotations, lists of products, and proof of payment. You file the report. The supplier claims missing information and unpaid receipts; you call the accounting department. The file is still missing data. You start searching alternative spellings, manually search scans and images, and find – only hours later – data in a folder called Archives. It is now 5 pm, another unproductive day. It is time to go home.

Now consider this: The year is 2020. Your superior calls you; they want a full report on a supplier working with your company. You log into your intelligent enterprise search portal and type in the name of your supplier. It automatically gives you all the current information you need, with pending receipts from accounting, archived data, suggestions of alternative spellings, and relevant rich media available. It took you 5 minutes to send that report. You can now go about your productive day.

The Rise of AI-based Intelligent Search

There was a time when a manual search may have been enough. We did not drown in pools of data, and documents came structured for the most part. But, we now live in the era of big data, where we can gather massive amounts of information – often an unbearable load for one person to handle. We also implemented metadata manually – a time-consuming process – in case a company may need it in the future.

Today, our searches encompass standard documents to include social media information, rich media data, and sometimes multiple systems – lacking integration and consistency – within the same company.

This journey paved the way for Intelligent search – a search intelligent enough to understand the requirements of the user. It uses AI technology and algorithms to provide an engaged, relevant search experience. It offers a single portal to search and analyze data – including the content of images, videos, and other forms of multimedia. These searches help employees find the information they need – when they need it – by working effectively and efficiently across multiple data types. Intelligent search can now handle all kinds of structured and unstructured content – in various file types – while stressing on classification for further accessibility.

The application of AI in intelligent search has shown to be very successful in several industries such as technology, banking, marketing, and entertainment. By having access to critical information that could be the basis of corporate decisions, intelligent enterprise search has multiple benefits.

Main Capabilities of Intelligent Search Engines

Today, data is the wealth of enterprises, a wealth that should be well-invested. To do so, enterprises need the right tools to locate and collect this data, which has become a revolutionary process with the use of AI and Intelligent search.

1) Content Aggregation

With AI-based Intelligent Search engines, searches now inspect both structured and unstructured data and operate beyond different data types – including rich media. They process all data an enterprise may possess across all of its platforms, departments, and data paths, providing real-time access to information.

2) Entity Extraction

Employees may often find themselves manually entering information into a system from a document they have to archive. Intelligent based search, however, may automatically take uncategorized data and categorize it. For example, they might extract first names, last names, skills, or education from bulks of CVs to gain hiring information insight, making data readily available for the process of retrieving information.

3) Semantic Search and Analysis

With the use of advanced algorithms, Intelligent Search engines go beyond just retrieving superficial results. They use semantics and analytics to understand both meaning and context of the search and provide search results based on relevance, according to the context the user is searching in.

4) NLP Enrichment

The use of Natural Language Processing allows Intelligent Search Engines to analyze data, categorize it, and deliver interactive and engaging results. These results may be in the form of data sets or insights and dashboards, according to predictive solutions and associated requirements. These engines develop their NLP language with time and exposure to bulks of metadata through an on-going process.

5) Intelligent Image Search

With the use of “Visual Search” and programmed data recognition, this search tool allows the dissection and fragmentation of images into categorized metadata for future searches or use. In other terms, it can help users find specific objects in images and pictures, or find relevant images according to descriptions written out in the search tab.

Top 5 benefits of Intelligent Search

  • Classification of Content: Uploaded metadata and documents can be automatically organized into folders, making way for easier search and enhancing the quality of data retrieval.
  • Improved Efficiency: Employees spend less time searching for information; they retrieve information with less duplication of effort and time spent searching for existing data or results.
  • Better Insights : Companies can find insight from their data and metadata, often in a visual form. These insights can thus become an underlying competitive advantage against competing organizations.
  • Improved Decision Making: Due to faster access to critical information and analytics, decision making becomes more efficient; this includes reducing risks by detecting fraud and threats.
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction: Through real-time access to information that allows a proactive response to customers, customer service can improve by transforming queries into personalized experiences.

How can Intalio Help you with your Intelligent search project?

Without an efficient way to search through bulks of information, employees waste time researching data that will probably be lacking. The more enterprises supply these systems with data, the more efficient they become, and the more they make information accessible. Companies can develop this process using techniques such as optical character recognition, document scanning, and analyzing more data types. The intelligent search engine then automatically tags documents – both old and new – with metadata and prepares it for search.

If you are still behind on updating your current search portals or behind on uploading metadata onto your new AI system, we can help you get with the times.

Say goodbye to your employees’ wasted time and effort, and say hello to the era of no data left behind.

Discover Intalio Data Governance tools, built to enhance your enterprise search capabilities.

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The top trends you didn’t know about document management Thu, 15 Oct 2020 05:26:44 +0000 Document management, often referred to as Document Management Systems (DMS), shook and shaped businesses. It redefined the way enterprises function in a World where technology has embedded into every detail of our lives. Companies have migrated from paper to digital documentations thanks to the true potential of digitization,the value it adds and the assets it…

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Document management, often referred to as Document Management Systems (DMS), shook and shaped businesses. It redefined the way enterprises function in a World where technology has embedded into every detail of our lives. Companies have migrated from paper to digital documentations thanks to the true potential of digitization,the value it adds and the assets it incorporates.

DMS offers some of the most rudimentary functionalities to content management, imposing controls and management capabilities onto documents. Thus, integrating and mastering cutting-edge digital products will make you fall under a new era of business growth and advancement.

However, as Document Management Solutions have evolved over the years, and as we step into the next generation, there are numerous trends that will soon be adopted while there are others brand new in the DMS World and that we need to keep up on with towards achieving better functionality.

Top trends to make your business grow

Cloud computing

Cloud computing nowadays tackles two different matters; it is the ideal mean to deliver enterprise applications and the chosen solution for companies looking to extend their infrastructure or launch new innovations. Cloud-based solutions offers you flexibility, agility and scalability like never seen before.

A mobile friendly environment

Accessing documents away from traditional workspace through a variety of online devices including smartphones and tablets has been on the list since a long time. This also resulted in a demand for a user friendly software compatible with the several devices.

AI and natural language understanding

Automation and rapid adoption of AI technologies such as machine learning and natural language processing are heavily making their way. This technology handles unstructured data like texts in everyday language. It could be trained using smaller datasets and necessitates almost no annotation or tagging which could save both cost and time.

A better online security

As the accessibility of documents improved, it brought along certain security weaknesses as a result. Safeguarding content across a network of remote employees will definitely be the next challenge many enterprises will have to deal with in the near future.

Intelligent Search

As data within a company grows and adapts different shapes, as employees are equipped with several Artificial Intelligence tools, the possibilities to get the most out of data are limitless. Thus, search function evolved beyond being just a tool in the toolbox to being a must yet a key for productivity and an accelerant that enables strategic decision making and provides potential competitive advantages.

Advanced security measures

All these trends might be challenging and may turn choosing a specific Document Management Software into a flimsy process to deal with especially when bringing security to the table. Paper documents floating around and digital records, both generate risk for a company’s confidential information. Risk is also bent when staff make use of internet services that might not been properly examined and thus expose documents to an unintended audience. Hence, resorting to a well-established DMS is mandatory yet a delicate process that requires high calibers. But this does not mean that we deny the prominence of DMS especially in a time where technology became increasingly an enabler of business continuity.

What does Intalio Offer in the new Era of Document Management?

Consequently, Intalio provides top-notch digital solutions that will make better use of your content and let you operate efficiently throughout your entire organization. These advanced solutions will reduce time, effort, and cost when dealing with mandatory yet confidential documents within your library.

The future is Digital. Given the latest yet the upcoming trends in DMS as well as the factors that impact its worth, it is supposed that tomorrow would be all about the use of technology for a boring task as the management, storage, and use of documents often is. Combining all of these trends provides a solution to the challenges that companies might face and highlights the role of these platforms in business.

If these trends triggered you, then the next step you need to take is to get in touch with our experts to help you establish the right Document Management System that fits and covers your enterprise needs and offers you free access to continuity and success!

Get in touch!

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Interview with Constantin Bifani | Towards the digitalization of the Healthcare industry Fri, 09 Oct 2020 10:46:51 +0000 In efforts to serve the Healthcare industry and deliver the best care and patient experience possible, Mr. Constantin Bifani was appointed Intalio’s Industry Board Member for Healthcare earlier this year…

Full Interview

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At Intalio, we always aim to improve and guarantee organizational success. Providing you with top-notch technologies and introducing advanced LOB solutions, are both Intalio’s top concern.

In efforts to serve the Healthcare industry and deliver the best care and patient experience possible, Mr. Constantin Bifani was appointed Intalio’s Industry Board Member for Healthcare earlier this year.

With a Master’s in Public Health specialized in Hospital Administration from the American University of Beirut and an MBA from INSEAD, Fontainebleau, Bifani possesses impressive work experience and extensive knowledge to contribute to Intalio’s ongoing success.

Bifani tackles the challenges the healthcare industry is facing especially in this critical time and shares his thoughts on how Intalio’s Suite of Healthcare Automation and Management Systems (SHAMS) could support healthcare providers with means to successfully manage their employees, deliver enhanced care services to their patients while reducing costs and increasing their returns.

We discussed with Bifani various aspects including the changes this sector is witnessing and the importance of digital transformation in those challenging times.

  1. What are the challenges that the healthcare sector and health organizations are facing?

Nowadays, the healthcare sector is facing an unprecedented uncertainty. The Covid-19 pandemic has already created a major shift from traditional office visits to virtual visits, as well as an expansion of telehealth. Expected high-growth segments are ambulatory surgery, retail clinics, home health, and specialty pharmacy. Hospital directors must find alternatives for in-patient care.

Keeping in mind that scattered information is more difficult to manage, and that the confidentiality of such information is paramount, there will be a growing need for adequate systems and platforms that are capable of collecting, analyzing, and producing meaningful reporting to assist the health professionals in their decision-making.

Many of these health professionals are no information technology specialists and might be confused by the complexity of such systems. Are they what they really want? Are they compatible with their existing infrastructure? Are they flexible? Answers are important because these systems are often complex and expensive in order to handle the massive volume of data.

  1. How would an improvement in these challenges impact the efficiency of the service provider and thus the satisfaction of patients?

Gathering and analyzing data has always been the answer to uncertainty. The challenges we described require quick and sound decision-making. Intelligent data helps you do just that. Healthcare decision-makers can only rise above these challenges by adopting efficient digital transformation solutions.

Relevant and focused data will not be beneficial for professionals only, it will also impact positively patients through quicker service and better understanding of their needs. These needs are now shifting towards telemedicine, remote monitoring tools, among many others.

Disruptive change can be a great opportunity. Quickly adopting the necessary technological changes will comfort patients who will have greater faith in their healthcare system. An easily accessible central repository that contains all patient information will speed up the diagnosis and allow better follow-up while ensuring total security and confidentiality through encryption and other data security and privacy measures.

  1. What can Intalio offer the Health Sector?

As a multinational software provider, Intalio specializes in content services, process automation and data management, offering a wide range of digital healthcare solutions to hospitals, clinics, and healthcare organizations.

Intalio Healthcare Automation and Management Systems (SHAMS) provides medical institutions with predictive analysis of electronic medical records (EMR), document management through automated processes, streamlining of administrative procedures, and cost reduction.

SHAMS is modular and therefore highly customizable for every health specialty, with integrated administrative and core services. It is a fully web-based solution allowing caregivers and support staff to access the system from anywhere and at any time through an intuitive user friendly customer interface.

With SHAMS, medical and health institutions can manage and share patient information while respecting international standards and regulations.

  1. What is your strategy for the short and the medium terms?

Our team is always in the “innovation mode” focusing on providing economical, fast, and effective digital solutions while reducing the global waste resulting from the use of paper and other materials.

Our goal is to transform the unsustainable healthcare systems into sustainable ones through providing high-tech digital health solutions covering all modules; from central and clinical services to patient-centric and administrative services, all of them, while improving the patients’ experience.

We are continuously working on revamping our solutions for a digital health ecosystem based on the latest models of Artificial Intelligence. The system also includes revamped functionalities supporting telehealth (like virtual visits, virtual care, virtual hospitals, etc.), mobile apps, websites, and chatbots.

Another target is to provide digital support to cope with isolation and quarantine, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

The post Interview with Constantin Bifani | Towards the digitalization of the Healthcare industry appeared first on intalio.

7 things about Ethics in Artificial Intelligence you may not have thought about Tue, 29 Sep 2020 11:48:25 +0000 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a modern shape of technology where computers can mimic, perform several errands, and even think like human beings. In other terms, it is building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. There are many forms of Artificial Intelligence like machine learning for instance, where instead of being…

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a modern shape of technology where computers can mimic, perform several errands, and even think like human beings. In other terms, it is building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. There are many forms of Artificial Intelligence like machine learning for instance, where instead of being programmed what to think, machines can observe, analyze and learn from data and mistakes just like our human brains can. However, improvements in machine and deep learning are creating a paradigm shift in virtually every sector of the tech industry.

AI improves intelligence, adapts through progressive learning algorithms, and analyzes more yet deeper data. It also attains farfetched accuracy and gets the most out of a business’ data. And just like all workflows, intelligent systems require the principle of designing them artificially using codes of conduct that we may call “roboethics” or robot ethics.

Thus, what are the set of Ethics that impose themselves as a must to be esteemed when opting for AI?

Keys for responsible implementation of AI systems

AI has massive potential to be weaponized in numerous ways which threaten public safety, security, and quality of life. Privacy and Surveillance are generally deliberated in Artificial Intelligence or Information Technology, which mainly cover access to private data that is identifiable. Such systems leave human intellect far behind. It could potentially undergo recursive self-improvement. By inventing revolutionary new technologies, such super intelligent systems could trigger eradicate war, disease, and poverty. Thus, maintaining high standards in ethical practices while working with data used in AI and machine learning is highly critical.

The following are the questions that might have a broad impact on a company’s brand and reputation, as well as on the lives of customers, employees, and other stakeholders.

Top seven ethical considerations in AI

  1. Bias

Some AI systems impacted real business implications and became progressively inherent in facial and voice recognition systems. These systems are susceptible to biases and errors introduced by its human makers. Many biases can occur because of the data used to train the AI systems; for instance, the facial recognition algorithms showcased biases when detecting people’s gender. In other terms due to the nature and availability of data sets, these AI systems might be able to detect the gender of white men more accurately than the gender of darker skin men.

  1. Liability

One of the major practical difficulties in AI is a liability. Digital systems are often missing deep-rooted legal protection of rights such as consumer rights, product liability, and other civil liability or protection of intellectual property rights. In other terms, businesses tend to test their digital products on customers without any fear of liability while severely defending their intellectual property rights.

  1. Security

Besides good, AI tends to be used sometimes in immoral contexts as powerful as it gets. These systems might be able to cause a lot of damage if used maliciously. Thus, cybersecurity will become mandatory. Data protection has come a long way over the years, and the careful utilization of data in AI implementations must be considered to prevent data theft by detecting, block and securing unauthorized data access while performing extensive behavioral analysis.

  1. Human Interaction

It is the start of an age where we will often interact with machines as if they are humans. Artificial bots can channel virtually unlimited resources into building relationships, while, in return, humans are limited in the attention and kindness that they can disburse on another person. However, till what extent should AI affect Human Relationships?

  1. Job Displacement

It is clear now that Artificial Intelligence can substitute human intervention. Thus, labor is concerned mostly with automation. As many forms were invented to automate jobs, we could create room for people to adopt more multifaceted roles. Accordingly, we would be moving from physical work to cognitive labor that characterizes both strategic and administrative work in our globalized society in order to boost human work.

  1. Wealth Inequality

Our economic systems are based on compensation, and most enterprises are still dependent on hourly work. However, by using AI, an employer would drastically cut down on relying on the human workforce, and by this, revenues will no longer go to people. Subsequently, AI driven company leaders will be greatly reducing costs.

  1. Power and Control

Power and Control go beyond data accumulation and direction of attention. Power and Control include the use of information to manipulate behaviors, be it online or offline. Of course, wills to manipulate behaviors are ancient, but they may attain a new level when AI systems are in place.

AI an enabler of Business Continuity with considerations

All these ethical questions might be challenging and may turn AI practices into a flimsy process to deal with. However, it is specious to deny the importance of Artificial Intelligence especially in a time where technology became increasingly an enabler of business continuity.

AI broad analytical tasks create new opportunities in several business sectors and consumer applications. AI partakes numerous yet tangible use cases today that enable corporate revenue growth and cost savings in prevailing sectors. Systems in AI dedicate time to collecting and synthesizing data when it comes to financial services, retail and trade, healthcare, and manufacturing.

AI is substantial since it efficaciously tackles a cavernous set of technical challenges. Although human competences like understanding, reasoning, planning, communicating, and perception, all can be undertaken by software, yet AI leaves more space for employees to complete more complicated tasks. Machines open for new horizons in job employment and give the opportunity for different jobs that require human intervention, to see the light. Moreover, confidentiality or data protection make their way to the heart of AI, whereby, the most important asset in any business relies on its information or what we might refer to as personal data. Thus, choosing deliberately the right smart system for your business is a delicate process.

At Intalio, all our digital transformation products are completed with our AI suite adapted for various business sectors while carefully handling customer data with complete confidentiality.

Interested in knowing more about our AI offering?

Get in touch and let our professional team of tech-gurus help you craft the adequate tailor-made AI solution for your business.


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Digital Technology | Game Changer in Transparency and Accountability Thu, 17 Sep 2020 07:16:43 +0000 Introduction to Transparency and Accountability in Organizations… Good information governance requires digitizing your business processes, with that comes heightened transparency and accountability of any organization. Established over the years from obvious results; immediate access to information positively affects in enhancing transparency while empowering your employees immediately increases the accountability of the organization. It’s a process…

The post Digital Technology | Game Changer in Transparency and Accountability appeared first on intalio.

Introduction to Transparency and Accountability in Organizations…

Good information governance requires digitizing your business processes, with that comes heightened transparency and accountability of any organization. Established over the years from obvious results; immediate access to information positively affects in enhancing transparency while empowering your employees immediately increases the accountability of the organization.

It’s a process that any organization whether big or small, old or new; needs to go through to retain all process-related communication within the workflow to make execution easier and faster.

Power in Transparency and Accountability

Without transparency and accountability, your organization will have its workflow disrupted by lack of vision and inconsistency. All employees need to be able to take ownership of their tasks also ensuring that everyone in the department knows what stage they are at and who is responsible for what. Streamlining your business processes to drive better workflow and ensure your team actually achieves the given objective, is achieved through transparency and accountability.


Transparency can eliminate unnecessary frustration by offering a clear outlook on the cause of any problem that an organization can face. Blaming each other for a delay or missed deal is done more than owning up to a problem. The second part gets even more complicated as there is no way to determine where the errors happened along the process, causing a delay in achieving company goals and objectives.

Additionally, most businesses rely on getting approval and authorization so the process can move along swiftly to the various departments in the organization. Lack of transparency will surely slow down the operations process and prevent the employees to reach their maximum potential.


Accountability is created by transparency. The moment your organization has a clear view of how the approval process works and who is in charge of what, employees can deliberately identify who is accountable for each process. This includes the ability to get information like who opened a specific document and what kind of action they did on it, where the document is being held up and where it needs to go to next. When employees know how to reach the decision process, it creates a momentum that drives the process forward.

On Organization with a Vision

In the past we often focused on solving any delay our organization faces related to external parties. We overlooked the small details that are focused on what happens within the organization like an unorganized workflow process leading to last-minute payment changes, missed deadlines, increased costs, employees not really doing their jobs, and so on.

No organization was able to really reach a solution to solve the issue once and for all without having to digitally transform their business processes. Since the organization lacked transparency and accountability, they are not able to know how to prevent the same mistakes from happening in the future.

Do you want to be an organization without a vision? You choose!

Nothing is better than having options to choose from, however with digital transformation in organizations, you don’t really have the choice unless you ultimately want to fall back and eventually shut down your business. Software solutions aim to help organizations like yours be ahead of the competition, transform the way you do business, and the way different departments work together.

Digital Software Technology

In whichever industry your organization belongs to, modern technology has created ambitious tools to support and generate innovative, practical work on transparency and accountability. Automating your business processes through digital software technology will enhance your organizational management, allowing you take more informed business decisions to increase your output and reduce costs. Automated workflow systems allow for assigning the tasks to the required departments with the ability to monitor the progress of all the projects your organization is undertaking. To give you a real example for a better idea, let’s take Intalio Case Management Software, a dynamic platform designed to improve the performance of personnel within the organization by combining the simplicity of a customizable packaged solution with advanced user features.

Whether you are in the public sector, serving the public, or in a financial institution, or any other, with those tools in place, gone will be the days where you have to run around to collect the requested document and to go many times to submit the application. Today, participants can focus on the case itself or on the task at hand instead of dealing with the hurdles or collecting the information, transferring, tracking the request status, or even manually searching for or reproducing the information.
Along the entire cycle, transparency and accountability are achieved as case managers can track and monitor the progress of a file while involved stakeholders work with the content, respond to the deadline and collaborate with each other in a comprehensive digital workplace!

If You Can Think of it, You Can Make it Happen!

Technology is the tool for this transparency and accountability. Now that there is evidence of failure, employees can no longer disregard failure. All eyes will be on them as they are in charge of getting a specific task done.
Building transparency and accountability needs to be embedded into the culture of the company. The moment technology is introduced with the right mindset, the entire approval chain solves the weakness by speeding up business processes.

It’s time to focus on your organizations transparency and personnel accountability.
Start working smarter.
Get in touch with our experts today!

The post Digital Technology | Game Changer in Transparency and Accountability appeared first on intalio.
