Big Data Analytics – intalio Complete Content Services Platform For Information Governance Wed, 06 Jan 2021 07:13:18 +0000 en hourly 1 How Data Scientists Have Become the Backbone of Corporations Wed, 18 Nov 2020 09:01:15 +0000 The post How Data Scientists Have Become the Backbone of Corporations appeared first on intalio.


There was a time when scientists were the backbone of every advancement that has impacted our world. Pioneers like Marie Curie, Newton, Einstein, Galileo, Edison, and many more, have shaped our knowledge and changed the way the world functions today by answering to the needs of society, and ultimately, the world.

Similarly, today and with the emergence of big data, we find the traffic of unstructured information overwhelming companies and increasing workloads. Just like scientists were the unsung heroes of yesterday, Data Scientists have become the unsung heroes of today as they translate data into key business success factors.

What is Data Science and why is Data Science so important?

First of all, we need to make it clear that data science is NOT computer science or computer engineering. While computer science is in charge of computation and applications, data science is in charge of data throughout its lifecycle – from storage to archiving – especially when it comes to insight and predictions.

Mainly, data scientists are in charge of analyzing, managing, and using data in useful ways that can become business solutions for companies.

You may be thinking that companies can simply hire statisticians to do so like they previously did. However, with the development of computing processes, cloud storage, and analytical tools, the world of statistics merged with computer science brought data science to life.

Data scientists need more than just math and statistics to be effective; a data scientist also needs knowledge of supply chain, finance, logistics, human resources, and so on. The more knowledge the data scientist may have, the more they are worth the investment a company is willing to make to hire them.

These modern-day wizards use algorithms, patterns, visualization tools, and machine learning to optimizing workflows and predict trends.

Not only do they make sense out of data, but they also study user behavior and habits through data gatherings such as the world wide web or software search history.

Why are Data Scientists the common-day heroes of companies?

Data Scientists have become an indispensable asset for companies as they are a key part of business success. While software maintains data, data scientists figure out how to utilize it to push businesses and markets forward.

If data is contained and maintained without it being utilized for actionable insight, every piece of datum that we have is rendered valueless.

Think of all the companies that made an incredible profit during the Covid-19 pandemic. They were able to be on top of their game because they were able to properly manage their information and assets, predict trends, personalize their customer experiences, and recreate effective teams while working remotely; all of which are tasks aided by data scientists.

Top 6 ways Data Scientists use their superpowers.

Risk and Fraud

Data Scientists may detect risk and fraud by being trained to investigate data that doesn’t seem to fit trends or patterns. Once detected, they can create alerts and respond effectively and efficiently saving companies millions in return.

Market Trends

Data Scientists may very well help product businesses identify when and how their items are best sold, helping marketing teams and sales with their predictions, strategies, and overall sales.

Personalized Customer Service

Data Scientists are also the people behind personalizing experiences for customers by providing other departments an understanding concerning their customers or audiences – depending on the industry – and helping them work on meeting customer needs.

Decision Making

These insights and predictions tremendously help upper-management in making significant decisions with lower risks across the company by measuring, tracking, and managing performance metrics.

Targeting Customers

Data scientists are also able to identify key groups by matching them with trends and data at hand, allowing organizations to tailor their services to potential customer groups.

Human Resources

Just like they collaborate with sales, marketing, and upper-management teams, data scientists may also work with human resources departments to identify potential employees that would fit companies like a glove using metadata on CVs as well as metrics from employment websites such as LinkedIn. It is also important to note that they may also take charge and analyze aptitude tests and games within the hiring process

Tools as the Backbone of Data Scientists

At this point, you should probably be convinced of why any company may need data scientists, even more so, why these modern wizards have become the backbone of any company’s success. But just like wizards need a wand, heroes need a cape, and scientists need their tools, data scientists are also rendered helpless without their data processing tools that allow them to collect, maintain, visualize, integrate, and manage data to begin with. Intalio offers tools for data integration, data processing, and data insight to help companies provide the right tools for data scientists by having control over information and be able to leverage workflow automation throughout the entire data lifecycle.

Find out more about intalio’s data governance tools.

The post How Data Scientists Have Become the Backbone of Corporations appeared first on intalio.

Digital Leaders | Where to Invest in a Post Pandemic Fri, 28 Aug 2020 09:40:42 +0000 We are at a critical age in the business world. Technology is reinventing how we do business, disrupting tasks, changing forms of communication and optimizing results. Investments in powerful technologies are skyrocketing and companies are competing over good technology. The COVID19 pandemic hit businesses in the core and organizations that had little investments in technology…

The post Digital Leaders | Where to Invest in a Post Pandemic appeared first on intalio.

We are at a critical age in the business world. Technology is reinventing how we do business, disrupting tasks, changing forms of communication and optimizing results. Investments in powerful technologies are skyrocketing and companies are competing over good technology. The COVID19 pandemic hit businesses in the core and organizations that had little investments in technology were the most harmed due to their unpreparedness for such crisis. The question lies, for digital leaders, where to invest now? What technologies to equip your organizations with to help you cope with crisis?


Why Tech Investments Matter?

The corona virus outbreak had a huge influence on business which made organizations reconsider their investments. What was the factor that ensured business continuity? Yes, it was and still is technology. As a matter of fact, businesses who had poor technology infrastructure suffered significantly in the unexpected lockdown that paralyzed some businesses. It is of vital importance for all types of businesses to have a clear digital investment strategy for Covid-19 has changed the way we live, work and interact.

Where to Invest Next? 

It is very necessary for businesses to clearly identify the areas they need to invest in after this global pandemic as it shaped the whole workflow. The decisions taken now by companies will elevate their capability to adapt to the new normal and most importantly easily go through future crisis. Technological capabilities are what ensure business continuity against all odds.

So where should companies invest next?

  • Cloud Computing:

Cloud computing is a revolutionary technology defined as “the on-demand delivery of IT resources such as compute, databases, and storage via the Internet”. This means you do not need physical data centers or servers which boosts IT capabilities and helps build a secure infrastructure for remote work. Moreover, cloud computing can help your business reduce cost, ensure security, and wider scale.

  • AI and Machine Learning :

This is a huge field for businesses to invest in especially in a post-pandemic as the need for smart machines is hire on demand. AI and machine can help businesses in a variety of ways through driving customer engagement with chatbots, improving business decisions through analytics and predictive analysis. AI and machine learning are providing in depth data analytics to choose their next product line, invest in new markets and target new customers.

  • Automation:

Automation is a powerful tool that increases business agility and adaptation, decrease unnecessary costs, improve precision and deliver customer/employee satisfaction. It gives companies the ability to get rid of redundant tasks and give employees more space for innovation and creativity. Moreover, it had played a key role in companies’ adaptation to the pandemic by facilitating internal affairs.

  • Low-Code Technology:

Low code powered technology facilitate business processes and build applications with minimal to no coding. Today, all types of employees can create business applications with low-code due to its simplicity. The benefits of such technology are speed and agility where you can drag and drop features that would help you solve a business problem. It allows companies to respond to abrupt business changes by quickly developing digital initiatives that would help satisfy the business need. Moreover, low-code is cost-efficient due to its minimal need for coding which gives business solutions at very low costs. Employees can create and deploy complex and intelligent systems with trainable AI that would help gather content of all types in a fast and cost-efficient manner.


Intalio your Forever Partner in the Process.

Why Intalio?

Intalio has been a leading provider of Digital Transformation Solutions for 30 years with countless innovations in Content Services, Process Services, and Data Governance.

How Can Intalio Help you?

At Intalio we believe in the power of technology to transform any business and we strive to provide our customers with world-class technology to help solve their business problems, ensure business continuity at all odds and help them elevate their capabilities for the long term. We provide the best AI and machine learning, automation and low code technologies that will help will drive a valuable return on your investment.


The world after Covid-19 will never be the same, we see through the future and acknowledge what is needed!

Do not fall back and stay ahead in your game! Reach out to our tech leaders.




The post Digital Leaders | Where to Invest in a Post Pandemic appeared first on intalio.

Expert Opinion: Big Data Analytics Simplified Using Intalio Solution Mon, 02 Mar 2020 09:23:18 +0000 You would be surprised by the amount of data produced by your organization on a daily basis. It’s not something you think of I am sure. You probably are more into the basic information you are able to gain from this data produced, however, something you cannot disregard is the fact that we are in…

The post Expert Opinion: Big Data Analytics Simplified Using Intalio Solution appeared first on intalio.

You would be surprised by the amount of data produced by your organization on a daily basis. It’s not something you think of I am sure. You probably are more into the basic information you are able to gain from this data produced, however, something you cannot disregard is the fact that we are in a data-driven world. Big data analytics is what you really need to achieve business intelligence.

In most organizations, or allow me to say, in most unsmart organizations, data just keeps moving back and forth. It is utilized for the basic needs with no additional importance given. Little do people know that this data is what can help you achieve your organizations’ goals and objectives. When the important parts of data are separated from the unnecessary general information, you will be able to generate key information to turn it into recommendations, strategies and knowledge.

Why a Smart Business?

Business objectives provide a clear framework for translating the success of the business. In order to maintain a healthy business life cycle with profits and expansion possibilities, setting goals are a necessity to take your business to the next level. As we all know the business objectives need to be measurable. These objectives are easy to set for many but are hard to measure for most especially if your business is not a smart business. The thin line between a smart and an unsmart business is whether they have an integrated solution to generate key information from big data produced by any organization.

Competing in a data-driven world requires not limiting yourself to metrics and statistics. Big data’s potential has come a long way, taking full advantage of it requires incorporating analytics so professionals can make better and faster decisions. It has become vital for any organizations’ survival to integrate the latest technological tools to position themselves amongst the top in their industry. Don’t let valuable information go to waste.

Content Analytics from INTALIO…

Traditional business intelligence tools and text analysis are inefficient, and can’t make sense of this information. As we enter a new era of content analysis and with the technology advancing by the second, adopting a strategic approach around “big data” produced by your organization has become a necessity.

Thanks to Intalio, any ordinary person within the organization can gain insight into structured and unstructured content using our state-of-the-art applications. Our smart solution is integrated with tools creating indexing and search platforms essential for big data, regardless of their formats. You can measure the correct data, organize and layout your data, apply the needed search and use the findings to reach your business objective. You can at any stage add more data to enhance your findings when needed.

There is more to it…

Content analytics has improved as enterprise content management enters a new era of content analysis. Intalio Big Data analytics tools brings together the best of both worlds a more streamlined access and representation of big data produced by your organization. A combination of highly developed coding of transcripts, newspapers, speech, films and other communication-related applications to conduct the most accurate qualitative and cluster analysis.

Exploiting and enhancing your content has never been easier. Using real-time analysis, decision-makers get actionable insights to help them identify specific trends or complications.  This is what happens to BIG DATA with Intalio Data Insights.

1.    Automatic Analysis It could be specific to a certain word search or a general search for report generation.
2.    Validate Data Analysis Preview data from any source, regardless of size or file location. Use only the vital and needed data.
3.    Extract Data Transform needed data from multiple sources for your any desired specific framework
4.    Generate Report Required report produced for future predictions and recommendations

What I like to call Accurate Intelligence:

So you extracted the desired information from your big data but it does not stop here. Data Analytics is improved with our solution due to something I would like to refer to as accurate intelligence. In the sense that you achieve “Business Intelligence” by utilizing your information wisely. Intalio Business Analytics Tools can guarantee you that as it can answer any of your questions:

  • What happened?
  • Why it happened?
  • What will happen?
  • How can we make it happen?
  • How can we prevent it from happening?
  • What we would like to happen?

In simplified words, your business value increases as your data analytics get more developed and our solution is developed to give your business that extra leverage.

Built-in with many features, our dynamic and user-friendly interface facilitates access to targeted information benefiting the organization as a whole. However, it’s mainly required to directly facilitate the work for business users, IT department and the corporate strategist.

Accurate Intelligence with INTALIO analytics:

Eliminate the daily struggle of having to waste hours or even weeks to analyze certain data for a comprehensive market, security and even geographic view. Gather all the information you need instantly in one single place from multiple sources. Use it to generate the required reports and forecasts for the future using any scenario. All using Intalio Data Insights.

Intalio has successfully deployed many Intalio analytics solutions to companies based all over the world like Carrefour Properties, Bouygues Construction and MAIF. My advice to you as an expert in the field, you need to be part of the digital revolution. If you are a business owner you need to make sure your business is also part of this digitization.

The post Expert Opinion: Big Data Analytics Simplified Using Intalio Solution appeared first on intalio.
