Smart Systems – intalio Complete Content Services Platform For Information Governance Tue, 28 Sep 2021 09:51:05 +0000 en hourly 1 Interview with Constantin Bifani | Towards the digitalization of the Healthcare industry Fri, 09 Oct 2020 10:46:51 +0000 In efforts to serve the Healthcare industry and deliver the best care and patient experience possible, Mr. Constantin Bifani was appointed Intalio’s Industry Board Member for Healthcare earlier this year…

Full Interview

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At Intalio, we always aim to improve and guarantee organizational success. Providing you with top-notch technologies and introducing advanced LOB solutions, are both Intalio’s top concern.

In efforts to serve the Healthcare industry and deliver the best care and patient experience possible, Mr. Constantin Bifani was appointed Intalio’s Industry Board Member for Healthcare earlier this year.

With a Master’s in Public Health specialized in Hospital Administration from the American University of Beirut and an MBA from INSEAD, Fontainebleau, Bifani possesses impressive work experience and extensive knowledge to contribute to Intalio’s ongoing success.

Bifani tackles the challenges the healthcare industry is facing especially in this critical time and shares his thoughts on how Intalio’s Suite of Healthcare Automation and Management Systems (SHAMS) could support healthcare providers with means to successfully manage their employees, deliver enhanced care services to their patients while reducing costs and increasing their returns.

We discussed with Bifani various aspects including the changes this sector is witnessing and the importance of digital transformation in those challenging times.

  1. What are the challenges that the healthcare sector and health organizations are facing?

Nowadays, the healthcare sector is facing an unprecedented uncertainty. The Covid-19 pandemic has already created a major shift from traditional office visits to virtual visits, as well as an expansion of telehealth. Expected high-growth segments are ambulatory surgery, retail clinics, home health, and specialty pharmacy. Hospital directors must find alternatives for in-patient care.

Keeping in mind that scattered information is more difficult to manage, and that the confidentiality of such information is paramount, there will be a growing need for adequate systems and platforms that are capable of collecting, analyzing, and producing meaningful reporting to assist the health professionals in their decision-making.

Many of these health professionals are no information technology specialists and might be confused by the complexity of such systems. Are they what they really want? Are they compatible with their existing infrastructure? Are they flexible? Answers are important because these systems are often complex and expensive in order to handle the massive volume of data.

  1. How would an improvement in these challenges impact the efficiency of the service provider and thus the satisfaction of patients?

Gathering and analyzing data has always been the answer to uncertainty. The challenges we described require quick and sound decision-making. Intelligent data helps you do just that. Healthcare decision-makers can only rise above these challenges by adopting efficient digital transformation solutions.

Relevant and focused data will not be beneficial for professionals only, it will also impact positively patients through quicker service and better understanding of their needs. These needs are now shifting towards telemedicine, remote monitoring tools, among many others.

Disruptive change can be a great opportunity. Quickly adopting the necessary technological changes will comfort patients who will have greater faith in their healthcare system. An easily accessible central repository that contains all patient information will speed up the diagnosis and allow better follow-up while ensuring total security and confidentiality through encryption and other data security and privacy measures.

  1. What can Intalio offer the Health Sector?

As a multinational software provider, Intalio specializes in content services, process automation and data management, offering a wide range of digital healthcare solutions to hospitals, clinics, and healthcare organizations.

Intalio Healthcare Automation and Management Systems (SHAMS) provides medical institutions with predictive analysis of electronic medical records (EMR), document management through automated processes, streamlining of administrative procedures, and cost reduction.

SHAMS is modular and therefore highly customizable for every health specialty, with integrated administrative and core services. It is a fully web-based solution allowing caregivers and support staff to access the system from anywhere and at any time through an intuitive user friendly customer interface.

With SHAMS, medical and health institutions can manage and share patient information while respecting international standards and regulations.

  1. What is your strategy for the short and the medium terms?

Our team is always in the “innovation mode” focusing on providing economical, fast, and effective digital solutions while reducing the global waste resulting from the use of paper and other materials.

Our goal is to transform the unsustainable healthcare systems into sustainable ones through providing high-tech digital health solutions covering all modules; from central and clinical services to patient-centric and administrative services, all of them, while improving the patients’ experience.

We are continuously working on revamping our solutions for a digital health ecosystem based on the latest models of Artificial Intelligence. The system also includes revamped functionalities supporting telehealth (like virtual visits, virtual care, virtual hospitals, etc.), mobile apps, websites, and chatbots.

Another target is to provide digital support to cope with isolation and quarantine, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

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7 things about Ethics in Artificial Intelligence you may not have thought about Tue, 29 Sep 2020 11:48:25 +0000 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a modern shape of technology where computers can mimic, perform several errands, and even think like human beings. In other terms, it is building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. There are many forms of Artificial Intelligence like machine learning for instance, where instead of being…

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a modern shape of technology where computers can mimic, perform several errands, and even think like human beings. In other terms, it is building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. There are many forms of Artificial Intelligence like machine learning for instance, where instead of being programmed what to think, machines can observe, analyze and learn from data and mistakes just like our human brains can. However, improvements in machine and deep learning are creating a paradigm shift in virtually every sector of the tech industry.

AI improves intelligence, adapts through progressive learning algorithms, and analyzes more yet deeper data. It also attains farfetched accuracy and gets the most out of a business’ data. And just like all workflows, intelligent systems require the principle of designing them artificially using codes of conduct that we may call “roboethics” or robot ethics.

Thus, what are the set of Ethics that impose themselves as a must to be esteemed when opting for AI?

Keys for responsible implementation of AI systems

AI has massive potential to be weaponized in numerous ways which threaten public safety, security, and quality of life. Privacy and Surveillance are generally deliberated in Artificial Intelligence or Information Technology, which mainly cover access to private data that is identifiable. Such systems leave human intellect far behind. It could potentially undergo recursive self-improvement. By inventing revolutionary new technologies, such super intelligent systems could trigger eradicate war, disease, and poverty. Thus, maintaining high standards in ethical practices while working with data used in AI and machine learning is highly critical.

The following are the questions that might have a broad impact on a company’s brand and reputation, as well as on the lives of customers, employees, and other stakeholders.

Top seven ethical considerations in AI

  1. Bias

Some AI systems impacted real business implications and became progressively inherent in facial and voice recognition systems. These systems are susceptible to biases and errors introduced by its human makers. Many biases can occur because of the data used to train the AI systems; for instance, the facial recognition algorithms showcased biases when detecting people’s gender. In other terms due to the nature and availability of data sets, these AI systems might be able to detect the gender of white men more accurately than the gender of darker skin men.

  1. Liability

One of the major practical difficulties in AI is a liability. Digital systems are often missing deep-rooted legal protection of rights such as consumer rights, product liability, and other civil liability or protection of intellectual property rights. In other terms, businesses tend to test their digital products on customers without any fear of liability while severely defending their intellectual property rights.

  1. Security

Besides good, AI tends to be used sometimes in immoral contexts as powerful as it gets. These systems might be able to cause a lot of damage if used maliciously. Thus, cybersecurity will become mandatory. Data protection has come a long way over the years, and the careful utilization of data in AI implementations must be considered to prevent data theft by detecting, block and securing unauthorized data access while performing extensive behavioral analysis.

  1. Human Interaction

It is the start of an age where we will often interact with machines as if they are humans. Artificial bots can channel virtually unlimited resources into building relationships, while, in return, humans are limited in the attention and kindness that they can disburse on another person. However, till what extent should AI affect Human Relationships?

  1. Job Displacement

It is clear now that Artificial Intelligence can substitute human intervention. Thus, labor is concerned mostly with automation. As many forms were invented to automate jobs, we could create room for people to adopt more multifaceted roles. Accordingly, we would be moving from physical work to cognitive labor that characterizes both strategic and administrative work in our globalized society in order to boost human work.

  1. Wealth Inequality

Our economic systems are based on compensation, and most enterprises are still dependent on hourly work. However, by using AI, an employer would drastically cut down on relying on the human workforce, and by this, revenues will no longer go to people. Subsequently, AI driven company leaders will be greatly reducing costs.

  1. Power and Control

Power and Control go beyond data accumulation and direction of attention. Power and Control include the use of information to manipulate behaviors, be it online or offline. Of course, wills to manipulate behaviors are ancient, but they may attain a new level when AI systems are in place.

AI an enabler of Business Continuity with considerations

All these ethical questions might be challenging and may turn AI practices into a flimsy process to deal with. However, it is specious to deny the importance of Artificial Intelligence especially in a time where technology became increasingly an enabler of business continuity.

AI broad analytical tasks create new opportunities in several business sectors and consumer applications. AI partakes numerous yet tangible use cases today that enable corporate revenue growth and cost savings in prevailing sectors. Systems in AI dedicate time to collecting and synthesizing data when it comes to financial services, retail and trade, healthcare, and manufacturing.

AI is substantial since it efficaciously tackles a cavernous set of technical challenges. Although human competences like understanding, reasoning, planning, communicating, and perception, all can be undertaken by software, yet AI leaves more space for employees to complete more complicated tasks. Machines open for new horizons in job employment and give the opportunity for different jobs that require human intervention, to see the light. Moreover, confidentiality or data protection make their way to the heart of AI, whereby, the most important asset in any business relies on its information or what we might refer to as personal data. Thus, choosing deliberately the right smart system for your business is a delicate process.

At Intalio, all our digital transformation products are completed with our AI suite adapted for various business sectors while carefully handling customer data with complete confidentiality.

Interested in knowing more about our AI offering?

Get in touch and let our professional team of tech-gurus help you craft the adequate tailor-made AI solution for your business.


Get in touch with our experts today!

The post 7 things about Ethics in Artificial Intelligence you may not have thought about appeared first on intalio.
