Information Governance – intalio Complete Content Services Platform For Information Governance Wed, 27 Oct 2021 05:28:36 +0000 en hourly 1 No Data Left Behind: The Era of Intelligent Search Tue, 20 Oct 2020 09:56:57 +0000 The post No Data Left Behind: The Era of Intelligent Search appeared first on intalio.


Imagine this: The year is 2005. Your superior calls you; they want a full report on a supplier working with your company. So you start searching in every file you have access to on your computer. You find quotations, lists of products, and proof of payment. You file the report. The supplier claims missing information and unpaid receipts; you call the accounting department. The file is still missing data. You start searching alternative spellings, manually search scans and images, and find – only hours later – data in a folder called Archives. It is now 5 pm, another unproductive day. It is time to go home.

Now consider this: The year is 2020. Your superior calls you; they want a full report on a supplier working with your company. You log into your intelligent enterprise search portal and type in the name of your supplier. It automatically gives you all the current information you need, with pending receipts from accounting, archived data, suggestions of alternative spellings, and relevant rich media available. It took you 5 minutes to send that report. You can now go about your productive day.

The Rise of AI-based Intelligent Search

There was a time when a manual search may have been enough. We did not drown in pools of data, and documents came structured for the most part. But, we now live in the era of big data, where we can gather massive amounts of information – often an unbearable load for one person to handle. We also implemented metadata manually – a time-consuming process – in case a company may need it in the future.

Today, our searches encompass standard documents to include social media information, rich media data, and sometimes multiple systems – lacking integration and consistency – within the same company.

This journey paved the way for Intelligent search – a search intelligent enough to understand the requirements of the user. It uses AI technology and algorithms to provide an engaged, relevant search experience. It offers a single portal to search and analyze data – including the content of images, videos, and other forms of multimedia. These searches help employees find the information they need – when they need it – by working effectively and efficiently across multiple data types. Intelligent search can now handle all kinds of structured and unstructured content – in various file types – while stressing on classification for further accessibility.

The application of AI in intelligent search has shown to be very successful in several industries such as technology, banking, marketing, and entertainment. By having access to critical information that could be the basis of corporate decisions, intelligent enterprise search has multiple benefits.

Main Capabilities of Intelligent Search Engines

Today, data is the wealth of enterprises, a wealth that should be well-invested. To do so, enterprises need the right tools to locate and collect this data, which has become a revolutionary process with the use of AI and Intelligent search.

1) Content Aggregation

With AI-based Intelligent Search engines, searches now inspect both structured and unstructured data and operate beyond different data types – including rich media. They process all data an enterprise may possess across all of its platforms, departments, and data paths, providing real-time access to information.

2) Entity Extraction

Employees may often find themselves manually entering information into a system from a document they have to archive. Intelligent based search, however, may automatically take uncategorized data and categorize it. For example, they might extract first names, last names, skills, or education from bulks of CVs to gain hiring information insight, making data readily available for the process of retrieving information.

3) Semantic Search and Analysis

With the use of advanced algorithms, Intelligent Search engines go beyond just retrieving superficial results. They use semantics and analytics to understand both meaning and context of the search and provide search results based on relevance, according to the context the user is searching in.

4) NLP Enrichment

The use of Natural Language Processing allows Intelligent Search Engines to analyze data, categorize it, and deliver interactive and engaging results. These results may be in the form of data sets or insights and dashboards, according to predictive solutions and associated requirements. These engines develop their NLP language with time and exposure to bulks of metadata through an on-going process.

5) Intelligent Image Search

With the use of “Visual Search” and programmed data recognition, this search tool allows the dissection and fragmentation of images into categorized metadata for future searches or use. In other terms, it can help users find specific objects in images and pictures, or find relevant images according to descriptions written out in the search tab.

Top 5 benefits of Intelligent Search

  • Classification of Content: Uploaded metadata and documents can be automatically organized into folders, making way for easier search and enhancing the quality of data retrieval.
  • Improved Efficiency: Employees spend less time searching for information; they retrieve information with less duplication of effort and time spent searching for existing data or results.
  • Better Insights : Companies can find insight from their data and metadata, often in a visual form. These insights can thus become an underlying competitive advantage against competing organizations.
  • Improved Decision Making: Due to faster access to critical information and analytics, decision making becomes more efficient; this includes reducing risks by detecting fraud and threats.
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction: Through real-time access to information that allows a proactive response to customers, customer service can improve by transforming queries into personalized experiences.

How can Intalio Help you with your Intelligent search project?

Without an efficient way to search through bulks of information, employees waste time researching data that will probably be lacking. The more enterprises supply these systems with data, the more efficient they become, and the more they make information accessible. Companies can develop this process using techniques such as optical character recognition, document scanning, and analyzing more data types. The intelligent search engine then automatically tags documents – both old and new – with metadata and prepares it for search.

If you are still behind on updating your current search portals or behind on uploading metadata onto your new AI system, we can help you get with the times.

Say goodbye to your employees’ wasted time and effort, and say hello to the era of no data left behind.

Discover Intalio Data Governance tools, built to enhance your enterprise search capabilities.

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Digital Technology | Game Changer in Transparency and Accountability Thu, 17 Sep 2020 07:16:43 +0000 Introduction to Transparency and Accountability in Organizations… Good information governance requires digitizing your business processes, with that comes heightened transparency and accountability of any organization. Established over the years from obvious results; immediate access to information positively affects in enhancing transparency while empowering your employees immediately increases the accountability of the organization. It’s a process…

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Introduction to Transparency and Accountability in Organizations…

Good information governance requires digitizing your business processes, with that comes heightened transparency and accountability of any organization. Established over the years from obvious results; immediate access to information positively affects in enhancing transparency while empowering your employees immediately increases the accountability of the organization.

It’s a process that any organization whether big or small, old or new; needs to go through to retain all process-related communication within the workflow to make execution easier and faster.

Power in Transparency and Accountability

Without transparency and accountability, your organization will have its workflow disrupted by lack of vision and inconsistency. All employees need to be able to take ownership of their tasks also ensuring that everyone in the department knows what stage they are at and who is responsible for what. Streamlining your business processes to drive better workflow and ensure your team actually achieves the given objective, is achieved through transparency and accountability.


Transparency can eliminate unnecessary frustration by offering a clear outlook on the cause of any problem that an organization can face. Blaming each other for a delay or missed deal is done more than owning up to a problem. The second part gets even more complicated as there is no way to determine where the errors happened along the process, causing a delay in achieving company goals and objectives.

Additionally, most businesses rely on getting approval and authorization so the process can move along swiftly to the various departments in the organization. Lack of transparency will surely slow down the operations process and prevent the employees to reach their maximum potential.


Accountability is created by transparency. The moment your organization has a clear view of how the approval process works and who is in charge of what, employees can deliberately identify who is accountable for each process. This includes the ability to get information like who opened a specific document and what kind of action they did on it, where the document is being held up and where it needs to go to next. When employees know how to reach the decision process, it creates a momentum that drives the process forward.

On Organization with a Vision

In the past we often focused on solving any delay our organization faces related to external parties. We overlooked the small details that are focused on what happens within the organization like an unorganized workflow process leading to last-minute payment changes, missed deadlines, increased costs, employees not really doing their jobs, and so on.

No organization was able to really reach a solution to solve the issue once and for all without having to digitally transform their business processes. Since the organization lacked transparency and accountability, they are not able to know how to prevent the same mistakes from happening in the future.

Do you want to be an organization without a vision? You choose!

Nothing is better than having options to choose from, however with digital transformation in organizations, you don’t really have the choice unless you ultimately want to fall back and eventually shut down your business. Software solutions aim to help organizations like yours be ahead of the competition, transform the way you do business, and the way different departments work together.

Digital Software Technology

In whichever industry your organization belongs to, modern technology has created ambitious tools to support and generate innovative, practical work on transparency and accountability. Automating your business processes through digital software technology will enhance your organizational management, allowing you take more informed business decisions to increase your output and reduce costs. Automated workflow systems allow for assigning the tasks to the required departments with the ability to monitor the progress of all the projects your organization is undertaking. To give you a real example for a better idea, let’s take Intalio Case Management Software, a dynamic platform designed to improve the performance of personnel within the organization by combining the simplicity of a customizable packaged solution with advanced user features.

Whether you are in the public sector, serving the public, or in a financial institution, or any other, with those tools in place, gone will be the days where you have to run around to collect the requested document and to go many times to submit the application. Today, participants can focus on the case itself or on the task at hand instead of dealing with the hurdles or collecting the information, transferring, tracking the request status, or even manually searching for or reproducing the information.
Along the entire cycle, transparency and accountability are achieved as case managers can track and monitor the progress of a file while involved stakeholders work with the content, respond to the deadline and collaborate with each other in a comprehensive digital workplace!

If You Can Think of it, You Can Make it Happen!

Technology is the tool for this transparency and accountability. Now that there is evidence of failure, employees can no longer disregard failure. All eyes will be on them as they are in charge of getting a specific task done.
Building transparency and accountability needs to be embedded into the culture of the company. The moment technology is introduced with the right mindset, the entire approval chain solves the weakness by speeding up business processes.

It’s time to focus on your organizations transparency and personnel accountability.
Start working smarter.
Get in touch with our experts today!

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Insight Engine | The Next Big Investment Tue, 25 Aug 2020 12:06:18 +0000 The post Insight Engine | The Next Big Investment appeared first on intalio.


Businesses are overwhelmed with data, but are striving for insights. Today, there is a huge rise in insight engine which helps discover and analyze data, while combining AI and machine learning capabilities to drive digital initiatives. These capabilities make it a world class technology as it helps it evolve and continue to enhance its capabilities with machine learning and deep learning. This drastic rise in the technology poses an interesting question is insight engine the new generation of digital asset management?

What is Digital Asset Management?

Digital asset management helps organizations intelligently manage, store, organize, find and analyze its information and content. It strategically helps organizations by eliminating human error through a system that makes sure to store content effectively, it boosts efficiency and productivity since it reduces repetitive tasks. Moreover, digital asset management systems help companies maintain brand and marketing messages through its management of the organizations digital assets which are critical to its marketing and advertising activities.

Is Digital Asset Management Dead?

As everything continues to evolve, including digital media, businesses face a challenge in the continuous growing number of digital assets stored in their multiple formats, from multiple channels, media files, product lines and so on. Applying useful metadata to images becomes a daunting task as it’s done manually costing the organization a lot of time and money. This can easily overwhelm any organization and possibly cause it to fall back.

Consequently, DAM solutions need to be updated to meet consumer needs by embedding new technology that facilitates the overall process of digital assets management.

Insight Engine a New Generation of DAM?

Insight engines boosts companies’ growth by delivering ultimate value through customer tailored personalization. Powered by Big data, Artificial Intelligence and machine learning technology insight engines act as strategic business resource that helps organizations create unique digital experiences to its customers. This embedment of such technology makes Insight Engines the new big thing and the next generation of DAM as it presents essential personalized experiences that seamlessly outperform traditional digital asset management systems.

How Insight Engine Works

Insight engines helps companies organize, discover and analyze data. It works to provide analysts with insights about customers and their activity, behavior and interests. Moreover, helps analyze customer and employee relationship powered by most in-depth technology of Artificial intelligence, big data and machine learning. This gives companies the power to present personalized and unique content to customers, produce personalized product lines to satisfy unique audiences. What makes insight engines valuable is their ability to process unstructured data such as social media information, images, videos, audio files and turn them into valuable personalized content.

Technology evolves very fast and companies need to keep pace in order to flourish. Today, there is a huge rise in insight engine technology which clearly in its embedded AI technology offers a unique customer experience.

Insight Engine Applications outside of the Digital Assets Management Space:

Outside the world of DAM, insight engines help create valuable customer experiences. Today, companies are struggling to provide customers with a valuable experience and those who support customers are companies that are winning in sales and huge brand recognition. Insight engine helps business boost their relationship with customers through intelligent relationship building. It uses high quality technology such as natural language processing NLP and natural language question answering NLQA  to give customers a sense of comfortable human interaction that actually deliver satisfactory results. Moreover, not only do insight engines manage data, they can produce with the help of machine learning and deep learning business prediction and scenario developments to solve multiple business issues.

Want to stay ahead of your game with the most powerful technology?

Get in touch with us!


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Driving Customer Experience with Digital Transformation Fri, 21 Aug 2020 07:01:25 +0000 Digital tools, technologies and platforms throughout the years have seen a significant rate of adoption as they continue to change the way we live, work and interact with each other. The interaction on a B2C and on a B2B scale has been reshaped through the wonders of digital transformation and this is only the beginning.…

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Digital tools, technologies and platforms throughout the years have seen a significant rate of adoption as they continue to change the way we live, work and interact with each other. The interaction on a B2C and on a B2B scale has been reshaped through the wonders of digital transformation and this is only the beginning.

If your organization has not started taking the “Digital Era” seriously, it’s about time it does, and or stay behind and watch competitors flourish while they generate high profits from sales from a simple investment your organization is yet to make. Digital transformation is on the rise and it’s only onwards and upwards from hereon.

Customers & Businesses Today…

Prior to today, customers were “loyal” to brands. With the shift to digital delivery and experiences, customers expect from businesses a personalized interaction and an enhanced customer experience. Businesses need to know that the customers today have become wiser, more critical and cynical. While brand loyalty has become almost nonexistent, customer experience is the new battleground for businesses.

How Your Business Can Compete…

Customers interact with your businesses on many levels that include – visiting the actual store, browsing the website, speaking to a live agent and so on. These encounters are considered as “touch points” that ultimately make or break the customer experience.

The concept of customer experience is not new, however the rise of new technology has redefined customer experience. For businesses to survive in the digital world, they need to be online, however, online presence is not enough anymore. Therefore, you must be wondering by now, what more can businesses do? How do they ensure the experiences customers go through across all channels are consistent?

Digital Transformation…

Digital transformation does not only benefit the business, but it reaches out to the consumer. After understanding what the customer wants and how they want to interact with your business, it’s up to the business to show the customer how much they “care” for them.

Companies need to start by incorporating more digital elements into their strategy. Using digital transformation wisely, businesses will be able to create better experiences for customers by accommodating online resources, automating specific tasks and collecting data that will eventually help you effectively serve customers.

We Can Help You!

Intalio, being an expert, for more than 25 years in digital transformation and information governance, is able to give you the digital advancement strategy and solutions to improve the customer experience you provide by embedding the latest technology. For now, we can share some small tips like; firstly, embrace automation and acknowledge that it should be part of your customer service strategy. Secondly, make sure ALL your information is online to make it convenient for customers to find the information they need. Thirdly, make sure your offers are relevant to your customers by personalizing the needed content. Finally, get to know your customer well to provide them with value.

Let’s Help You Reach Your Customer Experience Goals! Get in touch!



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Data Capture | Challenges and Features to Organize Scattered and Unstructured Data Fri, 21 Aug 2020 06:45:43 +0000 The post Data Capture | Challenges and Features to Organize Scattered and Unstructured Data appeared first on intalio.


What is Data Capture

According to AIIM international, Information Capture is one of the most vital steps in an organization’s digital transformation strategy. Organizations must focus on how to capture valuable information and how to intelligently manage it to provide business value. Today, a business receives information from various origins, and identifying those origins would enable the business to initiate some predictions on how valuable the information is. As a matter of fact, to drive business growth you need to identify your data resources, business goals and the right technology.

Identifying your Points of Data and Information Collection –

It is of utmost importance to be able to identify where your data comes from, most organizations have similar sources which mainly are:
– Website Visits: each time a consumer enters your website you can track their activity and behavior.
– Web Based Forms: such as a customer filling information to be able to login or download an article.
– Paper Documents: which need to be classified and archived.
– Emails: which are mostly collected from web-based forms.
– Images: which are collected from social media accounts.
– Invoices: which need to be classified and organized in company archives.

Why is it Important to Capture Data –

Data is power. In today’s world you need data to learn more about your customers, where they come from, what their interests are and how you can influence them. These points in data capture can help plan your next business decision, marketing campaign or promotional strategy to ultimately reach business agility. For this it is vital to create a touch point between your business and the consumer in order to collect valuable data
accordingly you must deploy high quality technology that enables your business with tools to identify, capture and classify high volumes of data and transform it into actionable information with the minimum amount of human effort and intervention while maintaining the quality and security around the data.

Intelligent Data Capture: Drive Potential from your Process Entry Points.

Intelligent data capture solution facilitates how you capture your information and how to get value from it. It can identify, capture, and classify data from paper and electronic documents. Moreover, it is powered by advanced recognition tools which helps extract data from images and use it in the data collection process. Intelligent data capture is also powered by automation which boosts processes through direct identification and classification of files, images, and texts.

This helps your business transform complex pieces of information into insightful and actionable data by combining world class technology.

Inatlio’s Data Capture Software

Intalio Capture collects data from multiple devices throughout your organization by connecting information feeders to desktops or network scanners.

With a solution such as this one, you can scan images directly and store the collected content with ease. The embedded Optical Character Recognition (OCR) converts the textual data to machine readable and editable text. In addition, you can create custom capture templates to benefit from Zone OCR and object detection capabilities allowing you to automatically extract the needed information from specific zones or objects in the document.

Remarkable Features –

Our top-rated data capture system is designed to empower your business with the best technology feature to capture and manage your data. Our product elevates your process by providing capabilities of an advanced computer vision solution with a wide variety of cognitive capturing and smart processing tools. It presents advanced recognition, which enables businesses to recognize, read, and interpret standard bar-codes and QR codes. Moreover, it helps you automate the whole capturing process and associate different content to their files automatically.

Other features such as Entity extraction also allow to extract valuable content from texts and automatically store them in predefined categories. Moreover, it enables companies to transform unstructured data into structured and drive key insights. It also helps in all extracting key entities from content such as social media information, paper documents and spreadsheets. This facilitates heavy human tasks such as data identification and collection and delivers better results in less time, effort and minimal error.

Data quality control or validation can also be enabled during the capture process by setting up custom validation rules applied on images or on descriptive information by comparing with existing databases and third-party applications. This is usually conducted through the Line of Business Connectors who help us validate the information extracted again an existing list of invoice numbers, purchase order numbers, employee IDs and others…

Connectors eases business process and document management through a platform that helps organizations with their unmanaged documents and information. These repository connectors such as google drive, and Dropbox providing a platform to create, and share data in an easy way enabling users with powerful tools in an intelligent workspace. Moreover, it enables them to smartly re-use their content interactively with coworkers.

Information is a powerful weapon to equip your business with to ultimately gain your competitive advantage. You need to identify your information resources, the business goals you want to reach from the information and the technology to help you extract value.

Eager to transform your information to actionable data? Reach out to our experts!

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Evolving from Existing Systems | Digital Transformation Key Components Fri, 21 Aug 2020 06:24:14 +0000 Almost every organization in the world is including digital transformation as an essential component in their business strategy. Digital transformation has proven to exploit productivity and enhance the customer experience. Organizations want to streamline their business vision and they can only do that once they take the decision to update the tools and technologies that…

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Almost every organization in the world is including digital transformation as an essential component in their business strategy. Digital transformation has proven to exploit productivity and enhance the customer experience. Organizations want to streamline their business vision and they can only do that once they take the decision to update the tools and technologies that are holding them back.

For any digital transformation journey to be successful, it needs to have the right tools. We have divided the tools into three main components which we will be sharing with you in this blog.

Identifying the three main components…

1) Infrastructure

The first step for digital transformation is building the right infrastructure. You need to build a data center or you can use a cloud offering. After having the right hardware ready and in order to complete your infrastructure system, you need to acquire the right core applications. You will need to have a mail server, fileserver, firewalls, identity server, and so on. Once you build your infrastructure you can go to the next level.

2) Business Application

The second component needed in your toolset is business application. For a digital transformation to be successful it needs to impact the business. Business units will have different business needs, you will need to acquire the needed business application for each one of them. For example you will need a business app for customer service. You will need another business app for correspondence management and so on…

3) Smart Application

The third component in your toolset is the smart application. You will need to use cognitive services to ease the work of employees and make it more efficient. For example you will need documents classification and OCR to minimize the human interaction and eliminate human error in the process of capturing data and documents.

Having the right tools is not always enough for the success of the digital transformation journey. Management and culture play an essential role in the success of the transformation process. You will need the buy-in of the management to ensure getting the support of the employees and departments to avoid any internal obstacles.

Although management involvement is very important, people always will resist the change because “the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t”. For example every time WhatsApp or Facebook release a new updated version, people will immediately start complaining about the new features. They simply don’t like the change. Understanding the culture, providing ease of transfer and a sense of safety, and adapting accordingly are key factors in success.

Your implementation approach should be your master plan based on all the variables we have discussed (tools , culture, management needs, etc…) try to be as agile as possible. Create awareness for your plan and make sure to set expectations. Explain to people the benefits of the digital transformation and how it will make their life easier. Try to report the status regularly to the management to keep them informed, you don’t want to lose their support.

Intalio has come a Long Way!

Intalio supports companies and organizations around the globe by helping them achieve digital transformation while in compliance with the established rules and regulations. We help them build and manage content-driven processes that support a wide range of business opportunities.

If you’re unsure of where to start your digitization journey or you’ve got some problems or challenges that you’d like to share, then please share them with us and we will put you on the right path!


Get in touch

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Why Invest in a Correspondence Automation Solution Thu, 13 Aug 2020 09:36:10 +0000 The post Why Invest in a Correspondence Automation Solution appeared first on intalio.


What is Correspondence Management

Correspondence management is very beneficial to any organization. It is the management of a company’s information resources from emails, to content shared with employees and customers. Correspondence Management Solutions enables companies to capture, index, transfer, track, publish, and archive incoming, outgoing, or even internal correspondences. When automated it can boost organizations efficiency in a cost, time efficient manner while maintaining precision and information security.

Investing in Correspondence Automation – Why Automate?

  • Cost Efficiency: Managing information is cost full and might drain a company’s resources. Through automation a business can save millions while delivering high quality management of its resources. In today’s world having a cost-effective solution is key to facilitate business process and return on investment.


  • Time Efficiency: Time is power. Since correspondence management is time draining, companies must invest in solutions that increase efficiency while being time efficient. Automation processes deliver speed and agility that supports beneficial results, from automating responses to email campaigns helping businesses devote time and effort to other vital tasks.


  • Increase Precision: Automation minimizes human errors and mistakes which are much needed to avoid. Automation can provide a mistake free and a great customer experience powered by fast automated communication with customers. Moreover, also gives businesses more customer insights and additional data that are effective for measuring.


  • Information Security: A company’s information must be protected and secured especially customer collected data. This must be a company’s top priority in order to gain customer and employee trust. Through digitizing your correspondence and automating its processes it will become easier to keep it safe.

Intalio Correspondence Solution: Your trusted digital partner

Intalio Correspondence Management system allows organizations to do just that by streamlining the whole process from the same comprehensive platform. Moreover, it offers the needed automation which allows companies to reduce costs and improve their workflow.

Intalio Correspondence Tracking System Features

Drafting and Registration:

Register all types of correspondences within your organization and draft responses efficiently while benefiting from an intuitive and easy-to-use interface adapting to most modern-day technologies.

Collaboration and Transfer:

Improve performance and workflow within your organization by easily transferring correspondences to different personnel or departments.

Visual Tracking:

Transform unstructured corporate communications into an orderly visual flow to keep track of all correspondences and the links between them.

Intuitive Mobile App:

Complete your tasks on the go with tools like Correspondence Mobility and Executive Portal providing you with all the needed functionalities.

Managing your company’s information resources is time-consuming and budget draining, however, when presented with a high-quality automated solution it can elevate your company’s ability to cost-effectively, increase precision while maintaining safety.

Want to gain a competitive advantage while investing in Intalio Correspondence Automation?

Make us your Digital Transformation Partner!

Get in touch…

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Unleash the Power of Content Through Advanced Recognition Tools Fri, 07 Aug 2020 06:49:34 +0000 The post Unleash the Power of Content Through Advanced Recognition Tools appeared first on intalio.


Unleash the Power of Content Through Automated Recognition Tools

Information is valuable, every company strives to gather information in order to know how to act. To be able to use this information to strategically plan the next business decision needs more than just “having information”, a company must be able to transform its information into actionable intelligence! Actionable intelligence is the use of company’s gathered information and turning it into powerful business insights that can inspire intelligent actions. With the rise of advanced automated recognition tools, companies can collect intelligent content that can be transformed into strategic plans.

Unleash the Power of Information!

Gathering data about your customers is necessary to understand them more and make viable business decisions. A company that has data is company that has business power, and using that data to support your decisions drives ultimate growth. In order to use your data in a valuable manner and turn it to actionable intelligence you need advanced AI data gathering tool.

Optical Character Recognition –

Optical character recognition helps capture paper-based and electronic documents and transform them into viable information. With the help of AI powered and machine learning recognition techniques results will be optimized. As paper based images are transformed into editable text format, content will be leveraged while boosting recognition accuracy through disregarding unnecessary information.

Entity Extraction Tool – 

Entity extraction tool is a form of text analysis that utilizes high quality AI and machine learning technologies to collect valuable information from various data types like surveys, documents, social media… in the field of actionable intelligence this tool boosts the extraction of valuable data for your company. Entity extraction also facilitates identifying and classifying information such as names, locations, qualities, and monetary values. Moreover, the feature also helps organize data into predefined categories that help business in classifying information vital to drive growth.

Intalio Solutions – 

Using advanced solutions combining AI-powered recognition techniques with Big Data in addition to advanced analytics allows organizations to explore critical information residing in large amounts of files. Intalio© Cognitive Services give you access to powerful and reliable tools so you could harness the power of artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and machine learning algorithms to ultimately transform raw data into exploitable information. This allows you to improve business efficiency, enhance your workflow, and expand your capabilities using cutting-edge technologies.

Intalio Cognitive Solutions –

Boost Results

Boost your companies results and expand the growth of your business through world class solutions that Intalio offers…

  • Automated Solutions

Streamline content life-cycle, from discovery through transformation to analysis using intelligent applications.

  • Adaptive Scalability

Feed data into AI and machine learning tools and watch them enhance their recognition and analysis techniques.

  • Manual Labor Diminution

Rely on advanced solutions to perform necessary line of business procedures with minimal to no human interaction.

Employing advanced AI tools is a key turning point for your company’s digital transformation strategy. In order to valuable use your information you need to impose AI powered systems that capture, analyze and classify information that helps your business. Intalio Cognitive Solutions satisfy that essential need with world class technologies and experts.

Allow our experts to help you unleash the power found in your organizations data…
Get in touch today!

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Powerful Data Insight Tools to Stay in the Competition Tue, 28 Jul 2020 07:21:50 +0000 The post Powerful Data Insight Tools to Stay in the Competition appeared first on intalio.


The world is currently in a data centric age, where data is of utmost value in the decision-making process of organizations, governmental institutions and research entities. From choosing a new product design, analyzing consumer markets to identifying potential opportunities, data provides us with insights of our current situation and helps predict future scenarios. All over the world companies are investing in data insights tools, data scientists and ways to explore new data to help them reach new opportunities. As a matter of fact, when using the right analytical tools, businesses can unleash capabilities that can help them with rapid decision making, problem solving and innovation.

It’s a Data Driven Business World!

What is a data driven world? It is the world where businesses compete over data and information and are willing to invest huge amounts of money and resources for the right data. Having the right analytical resources and being able to extract valuable data is today’s competitive advantage.

– Data and decision making

The age of experimentation is over! Businesses today do not repeatedly experiment to actually reach the best decision nor does it base its decisions based on emotions. On the contrary it is all based on factual information that insightful data presents. Many businesses are taking decisions on how to expand their businesses, what consumer markets to enter and who to target based on data. Data is disrupting a lot of fields and is affecting lots of industries such as marketing, Human resources, accounting, finance and economics. All of these industries today predict their next move depending on data.

– Data and problem solving

Data supports valuable information that can help scenario predictions for the world’s most stressing and challenging business issues. Economists today are using data to solve issues such as unemployment, inequality in business opportunity and many more. But there is a very important point to highlight in a data driven era, “many are struggling to develop the talent, business processes, and organizational muscle to capture real value from analytics” according to Mckinsy. That is because they are not using the right analytical and insightful tools to help them get the best out of their data.

– Data to boost innovation

Not only are businesses using data to solve problems but also, they are utilizing it to innovate. Big business names in the FMCG industry are creating Data hubs to help them come up with new product lines, new business models and innovative designs to attract customers.

Intalio data insights –

Intalio data insights product offers world class technologies in data visualization and machine learning systems to turn unstructured data into valuable insights and structed information. We present the most effective data solutions to expand research and analytical capabilities. Helping businesses in their decision-making process, solving its complex business problems and boost their innovation. What are intalio’s data insight features:

– Machine learning capabilities: Identify patterns and learn from data to make better decisions with less human intervention. Enhance analytics on bigger and more complex volumes of information within your organization.
– Content indexing: Make use of a highly reliable, open-source search engine in order to perform distributed indexing, replication, and query load balancing.
– Data delivery through integration: Extend your reach beyond the standard search scope by adding advanced functions to your applications with Intalio’s search Restful APIs
– Faceting and classification: Use a collection of independent attributes, also known as Facets, to classify each entry in the searchable collection
– Data Visualization and Dashboards: Monitor key business events and track activities using textual and visual data. Utilize an intuitive dashboard to conduct swift and smart search.

Companies are competing to maximize their reach through data! Businesses competitive advantages are determined through the value of the data they extract and how they use it. Extracting insightful data can boost your businesses operation and help you survive today’s fierce competitive market.

Eager to turn your data into valuable insights? Intalio’s Data Insight is your solution!
Get in touch with our experts!

The post Powerful Data Insight Tools to Stay in the Competition appeared first on intalio.

Speeding up Infrastructure Transformation During Covid-19 Mon, 27 Jul 2020 12:24:55 +0000 The post Speeding up Infrastructure Transformation During Covid-19 appeared first on intalio.


In light of the latest pandemic affecting the globe, and as most organizations were obliged to transition to remote work and while many organizations struggled to ensure sustainably, we at intalio managed to rapidly switch to a work from home environment without affecting our overall performance.

Our internal Information Technology Specialists were able to:

1) Support remote work while ensuring a secure network –

Working from home is an impossible scenario without having a secure network that protects company data and employee information from security breaches.
avoiding this data security threat and ensuring resilient organization through protecting confidential information, as Cyber-crimes are increasing all over the world, is key to sustainability.

Today a strongly secure network is essential to a safe remote work experience. This also needs the collaboration of all employees to pay extreme attention on how they use their work tools.

Securing company systems from all types of crashes, spyware and hacking activities, while protecting it from the increasing threat of data theft provided Intalio employees with complete privacy which in return enabled an easier, safer and more efficient work from home experience.

2) Optimize remote work experience through increased cloud adoption –

Intalio pushed the effectiveness of working remotely to the extreme by increasing cloud adoption. Cloud not only facilitated the adaptability of both the company and our employees to the shift in the work environment, but also reduced dependency on our internal IT while continuing to support customers, and projects throughout our various dispersed geographies across Europe, Middle East and Africa, as well as North America and Asia.

3) Resilience in the hybrid, multi-cloud infrastructure platform –

During this pandemic Intalio was adaptive and able to set strategies that aim to improve the enterprise. being well informed of the risks that might be faced if we decided to move to a new environment, Intalio found it vital to move to multi-cloud since it empowered our organization to channel its workloads through various and diverse environments. As the world is moving into a new era ” a new reality” multi-cloud and infrastructure technologies were vital.

4) Optimizing cost while delivering on the new reality –

In the current economic crisis that the world is experiencing, Intalio had to quickly adjust budgets and reconsider expenses. Company’s need to shift their investments to cloud in order to maximize their efficiency in the digital age. To be able to do that, we updated our virtual machines facilitating the usage of operating systems, adopting PaaS in order to deliver high quality digital services with flexibility and agility.

Striving to achieve business sustainability?
Reach out to our experts!



The post Speeding up Infrastructure Transformation During Covid-19 appeared first on intalio.
